~ bonding with Shifters ~

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Lila sits on the deck watching the pack patrol around their house, matching sure no one leaves, Lila's eyes have become dark, Jasper sitting next to her, his eyes also pitch black. Jacob and Lila had an argument  about the situation with Bella, and why he was still here if his imprint is at home probably worried about him. Carlisle had made Lila and Jasper sit outside to cool down before both attack Jacob, with their lack of feeding both are really short tempered. Lila slips the scrunchie off Jasper's wrist, the baby blue gingham check patterned scrunchie is soon wrapped into her hair, half of it up, showing the shaved sides of her head,the rest wavy in its natural state,  the fringe was also straight with a small piece flicking out to the side.

The sound of feet tapping on the wood brings the vampires attention away from eachother but to the feet before them. Both looking up to see a rather hyper Seth, a big smile on his face, the big smile contagious to both Lila and Jasper. "Is it okay if I sit with you two? Bella is drinking blood again" Seth asked almost scared that they would reject him. Lila shakes her head, taking the cardigan off her shoulders and onto a spot next to her. Patting the cardigan so he can sit there. "You can sit on this, sitting on the deck kind of hurts your butt after a while" Lila said with a small laugh. Jasper also laughs at Lila's words causing Seth's eyes widen in suprise at the sound of Jasper's laugh "thank you, could I ask you something?" Seth politely asks whilst placing himself on Lila's cardigan, stroking the soft material with his fingers.

"Of course you can, what do you want to ask?" Lila responds, her hand being taking by Jasper, into his own, her palm facing upwards as he draws small shapes and patterns on her hand, or twisting the rings on Lila's fingers. Seth gently clears his throat before asking "how long have you both been together?" He asks, his eyes widen and sparkly.  Lila hums in thought "it seems longer since I've been turned, since we don't sleep or anything now but we have been together for about just over a year" Lila said, feeling Jasper wrap his pinky around hers, a smile gracing on her lips.

Seth smiles at the couple's interactions, "have you found your imprint yet?" Jasper asks quietly. Seth gently shakes his head "I don't think I'm in a rush to find my imprint, I'll let it happen naturally" Seth said softly Lila nods in agreement along with Jasper "also once this is over if you ever want to hang out, you can come to our house it isn't too far from the treaty, I'm sure you saw it before, it's full of flowers" Lila offered. The sound of growling whisp through air. Everyone stands up quickly "Carlisle Emmett and Esme has gone hunting" Rosalie said rushing onto the balcony, the trio nods in acknowledgement. the trio walk back inside slowly, Lila holding the door open for Seth. He nods his head while she smiles. Everyone sits in the living room, Lila approaches Rosalie placing a hand on her shoulder "do you want to get some fresh air?" Lila asks.

Rosalie shakes her head firmly staying beside bwlla. "Okay" Lila whispers. Turning to the 2 shifters "are you guys hungry, I can make you some food if you want?" Lila asks, knowing Bella can't eat food. Seth and Jacob nod, Lila nods back before walking to the kitchen, Seth trailing behind Lila. "You left your cardigan outside" Seth says placing the green cardigan on the kitchen island. Smiling kindly at Seth, Lila grabs two small plates and some leftover bread and turkey that was left in the fridge, Jasper walks in and stands next to Lila, helping making the sandwiches for the 3 shifters that roam on the residence, Lila hands Seth his sandwich, Jacob takes his from Jasper. Lila steps outside, her eyes wandering for the other Clearwater. Spotting Leah, she walks up to Leah who was stood, with her back to the house. "Hey Leah, I made you some food" Lila calls out watching Leah's shoulders tense more  than usual. She looks over her shoulder. Lila smiles holding out the plate to Leah. "If you don't want it I can leave it on the railing if you want, I know you don't trust it, but we really appreciate you and your brother helping us" Lila said gently placing the plate full of sandwiches in the thick platform. Lila smiles once more before turning back and going inside.

Lila looks for Jasper in the living room, but only finds Jacob and Seth, Lila runs up the stairs, Jasper's scent getting stronger when she gets by his room. Knocking on the door, she peaks through seeing Jasper changing into spare clothes that was left here from when Jasper moved. Lila's eyes widen. She quietly slides the door to a close, and waits outside the room. Jasper opens the bedroom door, seeing Lila's flustered face. "Why did you wait outside doll?" Jasper asked slightly confused. "I didn't want to walk in while you was changing its rude" Lila said both walking back into the bedroom. Both flopping down onto the bed, Lila shuffling up to Jasper. Jasper wraps his arms around Lila bringing her up onto his chest, her legs either side of his. Lila nuzzles into Jasper's neck, her eyelashes tickling his neck slightly. "I want this to be over so badly, I just want to go home, sit in our garden" Lila whines are muffled with the cloth of Jasper's shirt.

"I will go wherever you want me to" Jasper said, his hands running up and down Lila's waist, Lila leans up a bit giving Jasper a gentle peck on the cheek "I love you" Lila whispers into Jasper's ear. Hearing the words leave Lila's lips and into his ear brings a large smile onto his face his eyes glossing over slightly, his arms tighten  around Lila, nuzzling his face into her hair. "I love you too doll" he whispers back before both fall into a comforting silence.

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