~the return of the Cullen's~

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Jasper and Lila walk along the treaty line, on Lila's shoulder was a bag full of tubs full of chocolate chip cookies, brownies and fairy cupcakes, "jazzy do you think they will like them?" Lila asks feeling slightly nervous. ' I am sure they love them Darlin' Jasper said holding onto Lila's hand, gently swinging their arms back and forth, they both come to a stop, meeting Sam and Paul at the treaty the rest of the pack soon trickling in. "Hi I, um brought you some stuff, it's like cookies and brownies and stuff so yea" Lila said fidgeting with her hands. "Thanks, you can bring it over" Sam said with a straight face, Lila looks over at Jasper, he nods gently.

Lila walks down the small ledge slowly and across the stream, to the pack, she takes her bag off her shoulder and holds it out. "Thank you, Emily would like these too, I will return the tubs and bag once we finish them" Sam said, taking hold of the bag. " I hope everyone enjoys them, I don't mind cooking if you need some extra, since I can't even more which is really sad" Lila said whilst climbing back over and sitting on the floor.

"How were you changed?" Paul suddenly blurted out clearly annoyed.
"Um well I had just gotten home from the movies with Jake and Bella I had fallen asleep on my couch, and the man you killed the other day broke into my house and turned me, I don't really remember if he said anything to me" lila said itching her arms. Jasper stands next to Lila with a hand on her head, gently brushing her hair. Some of the pack shakes their head with clear disgust. "How long have you two been together?" Jacob asked.

"We started our relationship at prom' Jasper states smiling down at Lila. "honestly you maybe the nicest vampires we have come across so far" Quil pipes up from the side, Lila just smiles at him "Bella talked to me today I kept the conversation short as possible" Lila said informing Sam. Jacob perks up at the mention of Bella's name.

"If anything happens give us a call we have do patrol now" Sam said before shifting into his wolf. "Jasper they look so soft" Lila whispers standing up. Both walk home enjoying the silence hand in hand. As they walk to their house, a bunch of cars are parked outside, both vampires rush to the front of their house. As they make their way to the front Lila is brought into a hug, Lila pulls back to see Alice. Lila instantly hugs back while Rosalie walks over to the hugging girls "no offense but how come you're all back?" Lila asked stepping back.

"Well... Edward thought Bella had died so he went to the Volturi to die as well, but Bella isn't dead and went to save him so we all came back... without waiting for Edward to come back" Rosalie explained. Lila stands there her mouth opening and closing like an automatic door.

"Rose I think you skipped an episode or two there in that drama but thank God I wasn't involved" Lila said with a huff. Lila looks in the corner of her eye seeing Jasper and Emmett already wrestling. "I swear if he ruins any of my flowers I will kill him" Lila said stalking over to the wrestling pair.

Grabbing Emmett by the collar of the back of his shirt and dragging him away from the little garden in front of the house and further into the drive way. "You almost crushed the pink kisses" Lila said monotone with harsh look, her jaw clenched, eyebrows furrowed and a snarl forming on her lips. She lets go of Emmett and walks over to the flower bed, making sure all the soil was still in place. Emmett laughs at the small girl, Jasper shakes his head signalling to stop him from laughing. Lila still crouched by the flowers turns her head to face Emmett, her head tilted down slightly, looking through her eyelashes, a deep snarl written on her face and her eyes flooded with black. Before turning back around once Emmet stopped laughing.

Esme eyes Carlisle with worry in her eyes, Rosalie and Alice shrug to eachother, whilst Emmett stays sat on the floor confused like everyone else. Unlike Jasper, who made his way to his mate who is still crouched on the floor, her finger tips lightly tracing the flower petals. Crouching down next to her and placing a hand on her back, rubbing gentle circles. "It's okay doll, no one is going to hurt them" Jasper hushes as Lila slowly calms down her form physically relaxing into Jasper's side. Esme takes a step forward to also crouch down with Jasper.

"Sweetheart if you want, you can show me all your flowers you are growing? I would love to see them" Esme said tucking Lila's hair behind her ear. Lila looks over to Esme her eyes now back to their bright gold, Lila slowly nods and stands up along with the concerned boyfriend and mother. Like gently takes Esme's hand guiding her through the house out to the garden showing her inside the green house, explaining all the flowers and their meanings. Whilst the rest of the family sat in the living room.

"How did her eyes do that Jasper?" Carlisle asks from the small arm chair.

"It only started recently, but birds was attacking the flowers in the garden, she was glaring at them, I went out to check on her and her eyes were all black" Jasper explains, while looking at Lila through the window.

"Do you think she has some power that is connected to nature?" Rosalie spoke also watching the girl and her mother in the garden talking about flowers. Jasper simply nods. Soon both vampires come back inside, Lila smiling from ear to ear seeing Jasper in his usual spot.

Through the night the group of vampires catch up on all the things that they missed, apart from how Lila was turned, Alice complaining over the colour of Lila's hair. "Well I like it, and so does Jasper sooo..." Lila trailed off catching everyone's attention. "When did you do this?" Emmett asks cutting off Alice. "Not long after everyone left, I think I look really nice" Lila responds ruffling her hair.

Jasper smiles down at Lila and placing a kiss on the crown of her head. "We better go get settled back into the old house" Esme broke out wanting to give the couple space.

Once everyone leaves, Jasper and Lila trail upstairs, changing into comfy clothes and flopping onto their bed in unison, breaking out into laughter.

"Jasper?" Lila calls out

"Yes doll?" Jasper responds back

"I love you" Lila said smiling up at the ceiling

"I love you too Doll" Jasper said. As he finishes the sentence, Lila rolls over, sitting onto Jasper's lap, she looks down at him, his curly hair splayed out on the bedding, she leans down and peppers his face in kisses "why are you so beautiful" Lila asked in between kisses.

Jasper's laugh rings through the bedroom, wrapping his arms around Lila holding her closely to his chest.

His Doll ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now