~Meeting Bella~

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Pulling my coat up to my arms my bag at my feet while I stand on the porch, once my bag was on my back, I start hopping down the steps walking the same route as yesterday, as I get closer to the school a red noisy truck the owner of the truck driv...

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Pulling my coat up to my arms my bag at my feet while I stand on the porch, once my bag was on my back, I start hopping down the steps walking the same route as yesterday, as I get closer to the school a red noisy truck the owner of the truck drives through a puddle splashing it slightly onto my leg, pouting slightly at my dirty shoe and now muddy brown sock before carrying on. Upon arrival, I see Alice with her siblings apart from Edward. I walk over to her slowly "Good morning everyone" I say cheerfully Alice grins before bringing me into a small hug. "Where's Edward?" I ask slightly curious. "He has some personal issues," Emmett said "well tell him I said I hope everything goes well," I say smiling up at Emmett. "Well I gotta go I got to get my books plus the bell is going to go soon," I say turning around as I walk I hear the second set of foot steeps trailing behind me.

I turn my head slightly seeing Jasper, I slow down for Jasper to meet me by my side, we walk in silence till we get to the doors, he opens the door "thank you so much" I say smiling up at him "no problem ma'am" he said smiling back. "Jasper, how do you keep your hair nice and curly?" I ask as we reach my locker. "Alice said to use certain products I don't know what they are," he said leaning against the lockers. I laugh slightly making him smile more. "I'll see you in history you haven't forgotten a pen again have you?" I ask joking "no I kept the one you gave me," he said.

Nodding I shut my locker before walking towards the class, I turn back around and wave at him smiling before carrying on. As I walk into class I see the girl who splashed the puddle, sitting in the seat next to hear. "Hello I'm Lila," I say with a wide she looks at me and smiles awkwardly "I'm Bella," she said rather monotonously. I nod before turning around and started taking notes.
"I saw you at the Cullen's table yesterday," she said randomly, I look up and at her nodding my head "yea Alice is my friend," I say smiling. "What are they like Jess said they are weird?" She asks timidly. Letting out a scoff "listen I've only known them for a day they aren't weird they just don't want to mingle with people" I say rather harshly before going back to writing rolling my eyes.

As I leave the classroom I feel a large hand on my shoulder, flinching slightly I turn around seeing Rosalie and Emmett, holding hands and Emmett's hand on my shoulder "what's up munchkin?" He said as we walk towards the canteen "not much what about you two?" I ask. "The usual" he responds.
"Rose your hair looks so beautiful today I love how you did it," I say looking at how the curls bounced as they worked. "Thank you, I like how you did your makeup today," she said to me. Emmett looks towards Rosalie with wide eyes. "Emm you're so lucky your girlfriend is so pretty," I say in awe at them.

"You don't think it's weird?" Rose asks. I shake my head "not at all, Alice told me you're all adopted so it doesn't matter because you aren't blood-related, people who find it that a couple at our age find it weird must think marriage is weird too then" I say looking up at them, Emmett grins as Rose's face softens. We walk into the canteen and towards the table. As we sat down Rosalie rolls her eyes "she's staring again" she states.

Looking around I see Bella staring in our direction "why is she staring?" I ask quietly "she's looking for Edward" Jasper states his arms resting on the table slightly "she seems rather bland to me like she has no personality" I mumble. Rosalie laughs slightly along with Emmett. "Do you need a ride home today?" Alice asks "oh no thank you I have work today," I say before stealing a carrot from Jasper's tray and eating it. "Was your parents not able to pick you up?" Emmett asks.

I inhale sharply "it's complicated to explain but I'll explain at some point just not now," I say in response looking down. Looking back up to make eye contact with Bella she quickly turns around. Once the bell rings we head our way to classes.

~at the diner~
Hearing the bell ding I look up to see a group of men walk in and sit in a booth. Waiting for them to settle I walk up to the booth "hello what can I get you guys today?" I ask note a pad in my left hand a pen in the other. After taking their order as I walk away I hear a gruff voice "freaky Lil thing" I roll my eyes before going back and giving the order to the cook, I clean up other tables till the food is ready, once the food was ready I balance the plates on my arms and take them to the table "here we go, I hope you enjoy your food" I say kindly with a smile.

As my shift comes to an end I sling my bag onto my back and head back home slowly by the time I got home it was close to 8 pm opening the door to the house I Chuck my bag onto the floor getting leftovers from last night and microwaving it before eating it in the same spot. I place everything in the sink before dragging my bag up to my room getting out my homework, as I finish my homework I feel my head drop. Slowly getting up I kick off my shoes and peel off my jeans my jacket already discarded. I flop onto my unmade bed after turning off the light, throwing the blanket over myself and dozing off into a deep sleep.

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