~ to london~

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Lila's outfit:

Lila and Jasper stand out front of the Cullen house, Maggie and Hana also stood with them, who are moving into Jasper's and Lila's house

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Lila and Jasper stand out front of the Cullen house, Maggie and Hana also stood with them, who are moving into Jasper's and Lila's house. Lila walks forward to Maggie "promise you will come see us" Maggie whispers. Lila nods hugging Maggie. "Of we will, your my family" Lila said giving Hana a hug. Turning to the Cullen's, going to Reneseme first "pinky promise me you will facetime, no matter the time difference, not that I'll sleeping" Lila said holding out her pinky. Reneseme wraps her pinky around Lila's and pressing their thumbs together.

"Now, you two, if I ever, I repeat, ever get a call to say your pregnant again, I might go into early retirement" Lila jokes looking at Bella and Edward who stood behind Reneseme. Edward laughs whilst Bella simply smiles. Lila moves onto Alice "yes I will send you photos of my outfits, we can have face time Skype fashion shows. As long as you don't send me expensive clothes please" Lila pleads grabbing Alice's hands gently shaking them. Alice laughs shaking Lila's hands as well. "No promises" Alice laughs, both girls hugging tight, swaying left to right.

"Now Emmett" Lila starts, staring up at him. "I would like weekly updates on how beautiful Rosalie, if you don't I will fly back, and I will beat you up, okay?" Lila said her face completely blank. Emmett looks at Edward then Jasper, they both nod their heads signalling she was serious. Emmett slowly nods his head. "Okay will do" he said avoiding eye contact with Lila.

Before Lila could say anything to Rosalie pulls Lila to her chest. "you're not leaving me, Jasper you're not taking her away from me" Rosalie says,turning away from Jasper taking Lila with her. "I think I might suffocate in your boobs Rosalie, I don't even need to breathe" Lila's voice comes out muffled but everyone still hears. Everyone laughs at Lila's words, Lila pulls away with slight strain. "Rosalie I'm not dying, I'm just moving away for a while, we have ages together" Lila said as Rosalie slowly let's go.

Heading over to Carlisle and Esme "thank you so much for looking after me, I'll look after Jasper don't worry, I'll keep him well fed" Lila said holding Carlisle's hand. Carlisle and Esme smile "it has been lovely with you here, come back to us whenever you want" Esme said.

"Let's go then doll" Jasper said leaning against the car. Lila heads to the car as she gets into the passenger seat, she waves, Jasper nods his head to his coven, before getting into the car, as they drive off, Lila sticks her body out of the car,"bye!" Lila calls waving at the family who wave back. Getting to the air port the couple with their suitcases, the car being shipped over to London, with them. When waiting for their plane so they can bored, both sit in the chairs near the gate, when they were talking, Jasper feels a tug in his jumper. He looks to his left, he sees a little girl sat there with a big smile. "How can I help you?" He asks smiling back, Lila leans forward smiling as well.

"Do you want a lolly pop?" The little girl said with 2 lolly pops in her hand. One strawberry and one cherry. "But those are yours, do you not like those flavours?" Jasper asks the little girl, shaking her head, making her pigtails swish. "No I like the orange ones and the cola ones" she said.

"Why don't you give them to your mummy?" Lila asked noticing the older woman sat behind the little girl watching. "I also don't like them" she said with an airy laugh. "Well if you don't mind sharing we would love one" Jasper said, the little girl placing the lollies in Jasper's hand, he holds out the strawberry one to Lila she unwraps it, placing it in her mouth, Jasper doing the same to the cherry. "Thank you very much that was very kind" Lila said.

Looking at the mother "are you going to London too? She asks, the mother nods "we are, we are going to see some family, and watch Disney on Ice" the woman explained. Lila perks up "that's so cool, who's your favourite princess?" Lila asked the little girl. " I love jasmine she's so pretty" the little girl said, pointing to her top, with jasmine on. Lila gasps "that's such a cool shirt, I wish I had a princess shirt, my favourite princess is Mulan, cause she is so strong" Lila said whilst Jasper and the mother talked.

"How come you are going to London?" The mother asked the mother and Jasper watching Lila and the little girl "we are moving, we just left our old place" Jasper said, playing with his ring. "How old are you?" Lila asked the little girl.  "I am 4" she said holding out her hand with 4 fingers up.

Once the plane is ready to board, Lila and Jasper stand up ready to get on the plane "come on then Mia" the mother said, Mia holding onto her mother's hand. Once Jasper and Lila got onto the plane, getting to their seats the little girl was sat in the aisle seat. Jasper sits by the window, and Lila in the middle. The mother on the other side of the aisle with another couple on her side.

During the flight, Lila would read to Mia, as the snack trolley came around Lila looks over to the mother "do you want anything?" She asks pulling her purse from her trousers pocket "oh no  I'm okay" she said so Lila looks down to Mia "do you want something Mia?" Lila asked, Mia hums in response "can I have a packet of haribos?" She asks, look at Lila then to mum, "of course you can" Lila said. As the cart stopped by the seats Lila pulls out some money "hello can I have a packet of haribos please?" Lila asked. Once the harbios was paid for Lila opens the packet and holds it whilst Mia eats them.

Once the plane lands, Jasper, Lila Mia and her mother separate, Lila waves a goodbye to Mia as they grab their suit cases, putting them on a case trolly. Lila stays with the trolly whilst Jasper brings the car to the front. Once the car was packed they head to their new home "she was so cute, I hope when we have a child they are that behaved" Lila said resting her head into Jasper's shoulder.

"I hope so too doll, we are almost there, and your studio isn't that too far away either it's one tube train away" Jasper said following the GPS. The car comes to a stop, Lila gasps looking out of the window "they bought this, for us?" Lila said quickly climbing out of the car. The white fencing, the white arch with the black gate, flowers and veins climbing up the front of the 3 story house, a set of stairs up to the front door, a bay window, A small balcony. "They did" Jasper whispered. "Come on then what are we waiting for!?" Lila said grabbing jaspers hand, pulling him up to the front door, Lila unlocks the door.

Both look around the house, a small kitchen, a medium living room, "the garden is so cute" Lila said looking out the kitchen window, both walk up the stairs opening the doors, on the second floor was a bathroom and two bedrooms, and the third floor was a 3rd bedroom. "There's so much space. I can't wait to decorate it" Lila mumbles. "We can start whenever you want, but I think for now I think we should break in the new place" Jasper said wrapping his arms around Lila's waist, putting his face in her neck.

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