Chapter Thirteen

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YAY!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY, HUH? Sorry it's been a whole month *yikes*! But the past week I've worked really hard on this chapter and i'm gonna seriously regret blowing off my homework and painting for VASE tomorrow, but oh well...And speaking of my art competition, its all day saturday, so I may be writing, but after saturday i will be a TON more free to write so YAY to that!

Please feel free to point out errors and make suggestions to make it better (FYI this is the first kiss scene that I have ever written, sure I've thought of them, but not written, and I would LOVE advice to make it and future ones better!!)




ps I really have to pee!! you probably didn't want to know, but see what I'm doing for you all? I'm even trying to control nature!


Chapter 13


"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." ~Reinhold Niebuhr





“What have I done?” I muttered under my breath, horrified.

“I could ask you the same question.” I whirled around, shocked, scared, and worried. It wasn’t Gabi or Kyle standing there behind me, I am so screwed. Done. Kiss your life buh-bye...



A few minutes later, my Butt-can’t-keep-his-mouth-shut of a brother spoke up, “Did you call Elora?”

“No!! Why the hell would I do that?!”

“Okay, okay.” He made simmer down gestures at me. Abruptly, he looked around, slightly panicked.

“What is it now?” I all but groaned.

“Where’s Dmitri?” My eyes snapped open, I saw him running after Violet...

“Oh, shit, no!” I spun around and began to sprint to the clearing, Kyle was right beside me, eyes wide.


<<Violet’s POV>>

“I--I...” I sucked in a deep breath, standing tall, “just do it.”

“Excuse me?” He asked, his voice thick with...something... My head snapped up and I stared into his eyes.

“Turn me in, go on,” I shooed him away with my hands, voice getting harder, why is he prolonging this?Go running to the Guardians! That’s what everyone else would do! Should do, I suppose.” 

“Why should I do that?” My eyes bore into his own electric blue eyes. He seemed to be internally struggling with something, trying to decide what is right.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2011 ⏰

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