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  • Dedicated to To my lovable but frustrating Family <3<3

Hi! its lindsay! this is my second story and i would love it if you would vote, comment, fan, even critisize!  



The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it by only adding something better to it. 

--Wendell Berry


In the beginning, we were free...its been so long. But that was before, before the war, before our own undoing. Where we live now used to be known as the United States of America, now known as Pali, apparently we were once a great people but we let ourselves grow stupid, at least, that's what I think.  

Let me start from the beginning.

Around 2010, 2011 or so there was a string of current events that government officials failed to notice, or more likely, acknowledge. You see we were in debt, our economy was bad, rock bottom actually, and we were borrowing money, way too much money to ever pay back. I believe it was China...we hardly tolerated each other and they owned us. If the mood struck their officials to sell our debt to certain unfriendly countries, all would be lost. But that was only the beginning of our problems, we were focusing our energies on all the wrong things: Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, the list goes on... Our forces were spread out very thin, yes they needed our help, but we were ignorant to the things going on in the background.  

Russia, sneaky little Russia, hiding out on the periphery, had been keeping a very low profile for the past decade or so, a suspiciously low profile you might say. There were certain current events, a tad spread out, that foreshadowed what was going to happen. Russia's officials were making particular deals with particular countries, particular unfriendly countries.  

It was Vladamir Putin, he had been president of Russia, but he was only allowed to serve two four year terms, you'd think his time in power was up.

We were wrong.  

His very good friend, follower you could say, was Medvedev. Guess who was elected president...Medvedev. And with the help of Putin they managed to change the maximum serving terms of president from eight to twelve years, and they created a new position, Prime Minister.  

Again, guess what?  

Putin was appointed Prime Minister, for life. And the thing is, in truth, he wasn t only Prime Minister, but President too, he had Mendelev wrapped around his little fingers.  

In short, we were screwed.  

And then the pair began to trade nuclear abilities to certain countries that, truthfully, hated our guts. In return they basically got loyalty.

10 years later, they attacked.  

We were caught completely off guard, as we scrambled to gather our troops all over the world, they just kept coming. Our friends, other countries, tried to help us but in the long run it wasn t enough because they had nuclear weapons and of all the people and countries on our side, it was only us, America that had those capabilities. And frankly, we were in no state to be able to use them effectively.  

The World War turned for the worst. I could go into detail but what else is there to say? They bombed our capital, and without a capital we had no order, and from that point chance.  

Our country fell, Putin took control and decided to make our rebel lives hell. At least as close as he could get to it...


...I looked over the familiar landscape of the ruins, the cracked windows, the broken cars, the bones that littered the ground...

--It is the year 2179--

...The rain bounces off the ground and slides down the broken buildings...

--I live in a country known as Pali, apparently it means Fallen, which is apt--

...pit, pat, pitter, patter...

--Mine is a slave town up in the mountains, we are the quarriers--

...In the distance I can hear the pickaxes and hammers...

--For the past one hundred fifty-eight years this has been our lot. For the past one hundred fifty-eight years there has been no hope--

...thump, clang, thunp, clang...

--But, as we are told, people change--

...From my vantage point on the cliff on the mountain I could see most of the ruins, every weathered building, every piece of twisted metal, every bone. I tried to remember what had been, try to think of what could have been. I hold my face up to the rain, it'll get rid of the tears for me...

--This is the world I grew up in--

...I looked over the edge of the cliff, feeling the wind and rain...

--My name is Violet Fairchild--

...Feeling the air rush up and down, I felt like I could take off. I shook my wet hair out of my eyes...

--I am different from the average person--

...And I jumped out into the wind...

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