Chapter Five

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This chapter may be a little confusing, kinda back and forth with feelings and memories, but it's supposed to be that way to give you some insight on how Dmitri is and all that jazz. oh and if their is any big editing errors feel free to point them out, so please comment, vote, criticize (i want to make this story good) and if you like it fan!  



-----------------------Ultraviolet Chapter Five--------------------------------------------------------------

Acceptance is not submission; it is acknowledgement of the facts of a situation. Then deciding what you are going to do about it.

--Kathleen Casey Theisen


<>Dmitri's POV<>

I pushed open the large double doors that led to the council room. Hands clasped behind my back, back straight, standing tall, I stood there and took stock of my immediate surroundings.

The room was a dark blue color, with golden crown molding running around the oval ceiling. Dominating the center of the large room was an oval table, a deep mahogany color, very classic, probably antique too; the only recent modification to the classic table being a small inch by inch square hole in the exact center, you could hardly tell it was even there. All of the chairs surrounding the table were high-backed and elegant, and sitting at the head of the table was my uncle Vladimir.

Still walking tall I went over to him and bowed my head slightly, "Uncle Vladimir."

"Ahh, good, good. Gentlemen, this is my nephew, Dmitri. The one I discussed about with you earlier." He raised an eyebrow at them gesturing from a small group of men near him to me. They all raised their heads and scrutinized me with peaked interest.

"So he's the boy, now?" One with a full head of white hair, rasped to my Uncle.

"Not now, Vikenti, but yes he is." My uncle looked at him meaningfully.

"Very well then, Vladimir." With that the white haired one turned back to the group of men.

"Do not stand there like a fool, boy. Go to your seat." Uncle barked at me. I dipped my head again and strode to the far end of the room, where I figured my seat would be.

"Cousin! So glad to see you here! Have you already made Father mad?" Vasilisa tilted her head at me and smiled maliciously, she knew what she was doing, heck, she knew I knew what she was doing.

"No, cousin, I have not, but thank you for the concern." I replied shortly. She scowled at me.

"No reason to get snippy with me, I was only inquiring about your current state with Father."

"Thank you for the 'concern', Lis," she hated it when I called her that, "But, if you would excuse me I was trying to get to my seat."

"Don't call me that!" She warned, turned on her heel and all but stomped away in frustration.

I let out a big breath of air, sat down in my chair, and crossed my arms. Looking around again, I noticed that not all of the men here were part of the group gathered around my uncle. He was tall, with ash blonde hair, and brown eyes framed by scholar's glasses. But what got my attention was the fact that he seemed to almost be standing with his back to the group of generals and other sorts of politicians, and he looked mad. He wasn't openly fuming, but underneath his icy calm facade I could see the anger and hurt, what did my uncle do to him?

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