Chapter Nine

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Hey its Linz! I have two things to tell you: 1) THIS IS NOT EDITED and 2) I had major Writers Block, but I got over it, and i feel like this part took forever to post! Anyway I hope you like it please vote and comment!



---------------------->Chapter Nine<------------------------------------------------------------------------

Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.

--Arthur Miller


*Dmitri’s POV*

“Arghh!” I grunted as I was forced to the ground and handcuffed.

“Don’t try anything stupid kid,” the gruff voice of one of Uncle’s special agents was in my ear, “move a muscle and these handcuffs will shock you within an inch of your life.” Great, electric handcuffs.

“Dmitri!” Vanessa shrieked, she was the girl who had showed me around my first day here, the tall brunette, “help!” She was nearly sobbing now, suddenly she let out a terrifying, blood-curdling scream and was suddenly quiet.

Oh my God... “Vanessa!” I twisted around to see her and was shocked with a bolt of electricity radiating out from the cuffs on my wrists. I let out a dry yell and crumbled to the ground, and saw Vanessa’s crumpled shape twitching there, she was unconscious but the current of electricity was still running through her.

The last thing I thought before I blacked out was: They said no one would get hurt...


The first thing I was aware of was the fact that I was lying on something extremely soft and velvety, that and the fact that my hands were now unbound. I rolled over and groaned.

“Ugh, finally! You really are lazy aren’t you, cousin? I mean sleeping on the job? tsk tsk...” Just what I wanted to wake up to: Vasilisa.

“I’m sorry if I got knocked out by electricity, can’t really help my body’s natural reactions, Lis.” I opened my eyes to see my cousins scowling face. With her high slavic cheekbones and raven hair and grey eyes, the whole effect was rather dramatic.

Well, I’m sorry if I ruined your precious sleep, sleeping beauty!” Her voice was cold, as usual. And held contempt just especially for me, as usual.

“Moody much?” I sat up and began cracking my neck, working my way down my spine.

“Why do you have to do that? It’s disgusting.” She screwed her face up at me in disgust. I rolled my eyes and took in my surroundings, I was in a plush train car. I was sitting on a royal blue velvet couch, Vasilisa was sitting on a dark wooden chair opposite me. The whole car was decorated in golds and blues, had priceless paintings hanging from the walls and even had a sculpture or two. Well, this was a royal train car. I sat back into the soft cushions, still ignoring Vasilisa. “Oh, so now your ignoring me again. You know, cousin, I am really starting to tire of this foolishness.”

“Oh good, for a second I thought you were an imposter, but after hearing the imperiousness and contempt for me in that statement all doubts have been put to rest.” I smiled warmly at her.

“You know what,” she smiled maliciously at me, “I have to go, there’s a dining car right next to this one if your hungry.” With that she spun on her heel and walked out of the train compartment. I shook my head, she’s up to something...

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