Chapter Ten

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who's ever had an awkward moment out there

Hey its Lindsay! I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry! Its almost been four weeks since my last upload and that's really ridiculous! So I'm really sorry! But, in my defense I had two projects and a poetry paper due and I was really busy and all of my crazy teachers seemed to think that since its the last couple weeks before break that they should pile on as much work as possible! So I'm so so so sorry and I will try to not let this happen ever again! But I do have finals after break, but I also have to spend a week in small town america with my family so I will have nothing to do and hopefully do a lot of writing!

xoxox Linz

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-----------------------------Chapter 10-----------------------------------------------------------------------

The future is always beginning now.

--Mark Strand


<Violet’s POV>

“What do you mean she just healed the dying puppy,” Gabi’s voice rose a little with each word, “you mean she just willed the thing to live? Dang!” It was kind of amusing how Gabi could still be shocked by these things after she saw me shooting lightning like some kind of freak, but hey, we all cope with things in our own special way.

You’re shocked? After all we’ve been through? Really sissy?” Kyle voiced my thoughts, Gabi stuck her tongue out at him.

“Goodness, Kyle! You don’t have to be so mean about it!” She attempted to glare at him, but she’s just to sweet, her glare just looked like she was trying not to smile. Kyle started cracking up, and I clamped my hand over my mouth so no sound could escape, not one laugh. “You know what? You’’re a poop head!” She screamed at him. I couldn’t help it, I laughed.

Poop...head? You’ be...kidding...” Kyle dissolved into full blown roll-on-the-ground laughs. I snorted and giggled along with him, holding my side. She tried to glare at us again, but gave up and turned around, walking into my house. Faintly, I heard her tell Grandma we were being mean, Grandma just laughed at what happened. 

“I think I’ve said this before, but I wonder about her sometimes, you know, about what goes on inside her head at times like this.” I looked up at Kyle, he just grinned.

“Sure, Vi, it’s funny now, you don’t have to live with it twenty four-seven.” I rolled my eyes.

“Oh, sor-ry, I never thought that living with a natural comedian could be so hard.”

“Hey, hey,” he put up his hands and made simmer down gestures, “I just meant that it can be a little hopeless, and natural blonde not comedian.”

“But she’s a brunette,” I pointed out.

“Exactly.” I snorted.

Kyle!” Laurel ran out of the house and hugged him, followed by a grumpy Gabi. I don’t know what it is, but Laurel adored Kyle. Finished squeezing the life out of Kyle, she skipped over to me and grabbed my hand, “Come on Gabi, Kyle we have to go.” She promptly began pulling me towards the school and Gabi and Kyle began to follow.

On the way to the school building we heard a commotion by the train station, “I wonder what’s going on...” I muttered. But Kyle seemed to hear me and looked over in that direction.

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