Comic Con 2013

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AN:// Again this used to be Just be Mine story but I've changed it because I couldn't keep up so making one Shots is easier. Go back to the first chapter to see what happened, I wrote an authors note there!

The alarm goes off on her clock, Shailene moves her hand from underneath the covers of her bed and reaches for the snooze button on her clock. The alarm keeps beeping, she moves her hand a little further and presses down on the button. Then finally the alarm stops beeping. Shailene turns to the other side of the bed, then there's a knock on the door. Shailene groans and sits up and pulls the covers off of her. Then she stands up and walks over to the door and turns the knob. Of course it's Theo standing at the door.

"Good Morning, Good Morning" Shailene sings lightly

"Good morning to you too, I brought you some strawberry wheat pancakes for breakfast down from downstairs" Theo says

"Awh thank you, and by any chance did you bring any orange juice?" Shailene asks

Theo smirks and then hands her a paper foam coffee cup, Shailene takes it from Theo then sets it down on a small table by the door. "Come in, I'm just eating" Shailene smiles.

Theo walks in through the door and Shailene shuts the door behind him. Shailene grabs her orange juice and sits down at the small table in the corner of the room. Then she opens the lid of the container of the pancakes and takes the plastic fork and takes a bite out of the sweet strawberry pancake. Theo sits on the bed across from the table and plays with his fingers. "So what time do we need to be ready?" Shailene asks

"Around 11:00" Theo says, Shailene nods then takes a sip of her orange juice then swallows, then sets down the cup on the wooden table. "Okay, what time is it now?" she says.

"It's 9:45" Theo says, Shailene takes another bite of her pancake. "Okay good that's enough time" she says. She eats a strawberry that was on her pancake. "So are you excited?" Theo asks.

"Yeah kinda, I've never been to a comic con before and Its exciting there's a lot of people there and I'm just nervous, I don't care what people say about me but I'm still nervous but a little excited" Shailene sighs, Theo gets off from the bed then sits in the chair at the table across from her. Shailene wipes her face with a paper napkin. Theo puts a hand on top of her hand.

"Hey I'll be there the whole time, it'll be okay don't worry I'm a little nervous too but trust me it will be fine" Theo smiles, Shailene smiles back at her. "Thanks Theo, that means a lot" Shailene says.

"Hey what are friends for?" Theo says in a kind voice. Shailene gets up from the table and throws the container and the foam cup into the trash can. "Hey I should get going" Theo says.

"Yeah okay, I'll see you later" Shailene says. Shailene felt something when Theo touched her hand, but it was really nothing. They didn't even film the Kiss scene yet. But why did she feel that?

"Shailene are you out of the shower yet?" Max asks. Shailene gets a comb and brushes the nots of her Long hair. "Yeah, I'll get changed in a minute" she says. She grabs a towel and gets the some of the wetness out of her hair. She has already got changed, she just lied so she can have more time to think about things because she does that. Why is she feeling so blushy about Theo? It makes no sense? Shailene turns the knob and opens the door. Then she sits on the chair that her makeup artists have for her.

"Are you just going to let your hair air dry?" Max says. Shailene nods then Max her makeup artist gets out her organic makeup to do on her. While Max is doing her face with foundation, she has a need to ask something. "So Shailene are you excited about Comic con?" She asks.

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