Tear Drops and Rain Drops

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"Cut!" Robert yells. Shailene walks over to the snack table looking for some water bottles. Then she feels a hand on her shoulder, she turns around and realizes it's Theo. She opens the cap of her water bottle and takes a sip of it.

"Hey" she says. She puts the cap back on the water bottle and sets it down on the table. "Hey do you wanna like go somewhere fun tonight?" Theo asks. Shailene is confused by the word "fun" because with Theo anything with Fun could mean anything. Shailene raises her eyebrows

"uh what kind of fun are you inferring?" Shailene asks.

"You know like maybe going to a amusement park like a carnival that isn't that far from our hotel" Theo says

"Sure, I would love to" Shai says. She winks at him and walks back to her trailer. She opens the door then closes it. She takes off her green tanktop and her black dauntless skinny jeans. Then her combat boots, she puts on a skater skirt and a flower crop tanktop. Then brushes her pixie cut hair. She puts on some sandles. Then goes into her fridge and eats some fruits.

She hears Theo from outside, talking to miles. She unlocks the passcode on her phone and Checks her messages. She gets a text from her brother but she decides to answer it later. Theo opens the door, then closes it since they both share a trailer.

"Hey shai" he says. Shailene walks over to the couch and eats another strawberry. "Hi Theodore" Shai says, Theo picks something off from the floor and looks up. "Hey I told you to not call me that" he laughs a little. Theo just stares at Shai, in her little skirt outfit, but he can't seem to stare away. "Nice outfit, it's pretty" Theo says.

Of course he said the outfit was pretty, not actually saying Shai was, or was it in code that he did. "You ready to go tonight?" Shailene asks.

"Yeah, just let me get changed and then we can go" he says. Shai wished Theo liked her more then a friend but of course he never would. He only likes her as a close friend and that's what it will always be.

Flashing lights and music appears in the distance across the road. Shai and Theo cross the road to the carnival right in front of them. They walk up to the ticket booth, and wait in line.

"I haven't been to a carnival since I was 14" Theo says. "Me too, it has been so long" Shailene says. They move up a little on the ticket booth line.

"Oh my gosh You're Shailene Woodley and Theo James were huge fans can we have a autograph?" A couple girls scream. Shailene sees them walk up to the line. They sign their phone cases. It always makes Shai smiles that she has fans out there that care about her.

They finally move up to the ticket booth and Shai gets her wallet but instead Theo pays for her. Shailene should have known, Theo always does this whenever they go out he always is a gentleman. He hands her the red paper tickets.

"So what ride to you want to go on first?" Theo asks. Shailene looks around the park and finds the twit a world as a option. "Let's go on the twit a world" she says. Theo nods and they walk to the ride. They walk up a couple of steps and wait in line.

"I feel like a teenager again, when I had so much freedom" Shailene says. Theo looks at her then smiles. "Me too" he says. The ride man asks for their tickets, they hand them their tickets. They find one of the carts on the track and sit in one. They pull down the metal lever on their thighs to keep them secure.

The ride man walks around the track to check the carts to see if their secure and then finally he checks their cart. Then the ride starts and they start to move. The Cart spins around in circles and shai starts to move towards theo because of the force of the ride. She finally slides against him even she tries to get up she can't. They both start to laugh.

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