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I hear my alarm go off, I hit the alarm clock a couple of times and I finally shut it off. I stretch and I sit up, the sun shines through the shades in my room. I finally get up, and my bare feet touch the floor.

"Good Morning, Good Morning" I sing. I walk into my kitchen and I pour some fresh orange Juice in my cup. Today is the first day of filming Allegiant part one. I'm kinda upset because we're haft way done the series but excited because I can work with the cast again.

Also I can work with Theo again

He has been dating Ruth for about seven years now. I know eventually there going to get married. I'm happy for him. But for some reason I don't feel like she treats him well.

I just want him to be happy and have someone treat him well. I want him to happy with someone that truly loves him. I do know for sure Ruth does love him.

But she doesn't treat him right. I have liked Theo more then a friend ever since the end of Divergent filming but I never mentioned it because I don't want to be the reason to end their relationship.

Also I don't think Theo would even end his relationship because of me even though he loves me as a friend. But he doesn't love me more then a friend and I know that would never happen.

I wouldn't tell him that I like him like that when he is in a long term relationship and if I did it could our friendship because he wouldn't like me back. So I just let the feelings stay inside of me.

They faded throughout the years my feelings aren't as strong as they used to be. But I still have them but I try to not let them bother me.

But we're only friends

I finally arrive at my trailer, Theo appears to be dressed already. I throw my bag onto the couch. "Hey Shai I missed you" he says. I smile and I walk up to him and I give him a friendly hug. "Hi I missed you too, how have you been?" I ask

"I have been good, so what have you been up to?" He asks. I sit down onto the couch and he sits down next to me. "I have been great, I just finished filming my latest movie snowden" I say.

"Wait isn't your character a pole dancer?" He asks. I laugh, "Yes Theo I am". He raises an eyebrow at me. "Then maybe when this movie comes out I should go see it and see you being a pole dancer for fun," I whack his arm and I laugh.

"Theo oh god no" I say. He grins at me, "I'm going no exceptions". I just roll my eyes, his sexual jokes always make me laugh. "So how's Ruth?" I ask. He frowns at me when I say his name.

"Well last night me and Ruth had another fight" he sighs. I feel bad for him, lately he has been a lot of fights with her. "Oh, what happened?" I ask.

"She wanted me to come with her to the Bahamas with her friends which are all girls today, I told her I can't because of filming and I don't want to really go because there all girls" He says. "Yeah Man, I would have done the same thing if I was you but she will realize you have to work" I say.

He nods at me and then lays a hand on my thigh. His touch sends sparks to my stomach. "Thanks Shai, you always know what to do"

I smile at him, I feel like I'm the only person that's here for them other then his family, because Ruth doesn't seem like it right now. "Yeah, no problem" I say. I stand up and I just stare at him. "I better go get ready now" I say. He nods at me. "Yeah"

"123 Action!" Robert yells. We get in our places. Me and Zoë sit against a wall. This is the scene when Tris finally sees Tobias since the Edith Prior Video was out.

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