Insurgent Permiere

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"Alright so what kind of hairstyle do you think you want with this dress?" Sam asks. Shailene looks up into the mirror and sees her wearing a black long dress. Tonight is the New York Insurgent premiere. "I would like my hair down and straightened" Shailene says. "Oh you want t straightened, that's new" Sam says.

"Yeah I wanted something different for a change" Shailene says. Sam turns the straightener on and puts it on the table and lets it heat up. Sam gets some clips and sections her hair. Sam picks up the straighter and starts to straighten her hair.

Shai knows that Theo and Ruth broke up In last October. He has been really upset lately, Shailene has been there for him. But he seems just upset and stressed. Sam takes one clip out of Shai's hair and moves onto the second section. Then Sam begins to straighten her short hair. What if Shailene and Theo actually became a couple but Shailene knew that would never happen.

Screaming fans and flashing lights appear, the car stops. Theo steps out of the car and waves to some people. Then Shai starts to get out of the car and Theo helps her by giving a hand. They both link arms, and walk towards the red carpet.

They stand on the red carpet, Theo puts a hand on her shoulder. They both smile for the cameras while the fans scream and cheer at them. Shai remembered Theo used to put his hand right under her boob. But he doesn't do that anymore, has he moved on and met someone else. Or has Theo and Ruth got back together?

"I missed when you put your hand under that spot" Shailene whispers. Theo moves his hand to there, She feels protected when he always did that. "I thought you didn't liked it, so I thought it made you uncomfortable so I stopped" Theo whispered. Shailene smiled again at the cameras. "No I didn't, I liked it" Shailene whispered. Theo smiled at her and they both smiled at the cameras again.

Shailene walks on the red carpet to find some of the other cast members, she finally finds Zoë. Shai walks up to her and wraps her arms around her giving her a hug. "Oh my gosh hi Zoë I missed you, how have you been?" Shai asks. Zoë pulls away and smiles at her. "I have been good, how about you?" Zoë asks.

"I have been wonderful, I love your dress" Shai saids. "Why thank you, I love yours too, wow your hair has gotten so much longer since I seen you, you look so pretty" Zoë says.

"Thank you" shai says. They both put there hands on each other shoulders and smiles for the camera. Shai is so happy to see Zoë again, but of course she doesn't know about how Shai feels about Theo.

Shai and Theo pose again for the cameras, and his hand is still in that spot where shai wants it. "So are you and Nahko dating?" Theo whispers. Shailene thought why would anyone think that, Nahko and her are just really good friends. "No silly, those are just silly rumors, we're just really good friends" Shailene whispers. Flashes appear in there faces, Shai knows there's gonna be picture of them whispering.

"Good" Theo whispers. Shai turns her head and sees Theo smirks. Then Theo lets go of shai and walks away. Shai is just standing there confused. Miles walks up to shai.

"Hey hottie" Mile says. Shailene laughs at miles. "Aren't you engaged Miles, what are you doin?" Shailene laughs. "Well you caught me, I just wanted a hug from my best friend" Miles says. Shailene wraps her arms around him and gives him a big hug.
If Theo only knew, If he only knew.

Shailene and Theo walk up to the stage of the movie Theater. They both have microphones and wait for their Q. Fans are still screaming and cheering.

"Hello everyone, it's Shai and Theo and welcome to the New York insurgent premiere" Shai saids. Fans scream and Cheer. "Now I know all of you have been waiting for this movie a very long time, so enjoy and have fun" Theo saids.

"Also don't each too much popcorn and candy" Shailene says. People laugh. "Because it makes your stomach upset" Theo laughs. They both wave goodbye and the fans scream and cheer. They both lock arms and walk down the stairs together. They go behind stage and Shai spots someone and she realizes it's Ruth. What is she doing here, I thought they broke up?

"I'm sorry I have to go" Shai saids. She unlocks from Theo and runs away. "Shai wait!" Theo saids. But it's too late she's gone.

Shai stands in front of a mirror in the bathroom. She's not crying, she's just upset. Maybe they're both just meant to be Best Friends. She slides down the wall in the bathroom and sits on floor. "Shai please open up" Theo saids. He knocks on the bathroom door, it doesn't matter why should she open the door. "Shai please" he saids.

"Go away Theo" Shai saids. "That's it I'm coming in even if I'm a women or not" Theo saids. But it's too late the door opens and he locks it behind him. He walks over to Shai and sits down on the floor with her. Shai turns the other way so she's not facing him.

"Shai please listen to me" Theo saids. Shai finally turns her head so she's facing him. Theo puts a finger underneath her chin. "Know I can see your pretty face" Theo saids. Shai smiles at him, even though she knows she shouldn't. "Why did you run away because you saw Ruth?" Theo asks.

Shai nods at him, she feels horrible for doing this she acted like a fool. "I just invited for here to come as friends, we're not dating" Theo saids. Shai nods and then looks down at the floor. Theo puts a hand on the side of her neck. Then they're kissing. There lips move in sync. Then Theo pulls back. "I like you Shailene Woodley" Theo saids. Shailene laughs and then kisses his cheek. "I like you too Theodore" Shailene saids.

Theo rubs his hand on Shailene's back, there legs are intertwined on the bed. Shailene lays her head on Theo's head. "You know when I met you in that casting office when we first met, I couldn't take my eyes off of you because you were so beautiful" Theo says. Shailene lifts her head and her short hair flows to the side.

"Really?" Shailene says. Theo smiles at her. "Yes really, you're so beautiful and I'm glad your mine" Theo saids. Shailene brushes her lips with his, then finally fits her mouth to his. They're lips move in sync and Theo plants like kisses on her neck. Then moves back up to her mouth

Then Shailene breaks the kiss and leans her forehead against his. "I'm so glad I met you" Shailene saids.

"Me too" Theo saids. Shailene plays with Theos lil curls in his hair. "Why did you and Ruth break up?" Shailene asks. Theo sighs and then frowns. "She met someone else, it was one of her cost stars, but we weren't working out with this long distance relationship" Theo saids. Shailene kisses Theo's cheek. "So far throughout the insurgent promo you seemed upset and I thought you were over her" Shailene says.

"I was but I was upset I was alone but I'm not upset anymore because I have you" Theo saids.

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I made this in honor of the insurgent premiere in New York tomorrow. I also wanted to make this because we're getting closer to insurgent.

See you next week



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