The Easter Present

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"Cmon lets Decorate Eggs Shailene" Lori saids.

"Mom, I did that when I was a kid I'm a adult now" Shailene saids.

"Oh come on Shai, lets decorate eggs like we used to" Tanner Saids.

"Alright fine!" Shailene laughs.

Shailene walks over to the fridge and takes some eggs out. She opens the top cabinet above the stove and takes a pot out. She fills up the pot with water and puts it on the stove. She sets the temperature on medium. She drops the eggs in the pot.

"I got the dye" Tanner saids.

"Alright" Shai saids.

"I'll be back, call me down when the eggs are done" Shailene saids.

Lori nods and Shailene walks up to her room, where she still has random posters when she was a teenager. She hasn't taken them down, she lays on her stomach oh her bed. Only one more month intll she sees Theo again. She misses him, they're dating now but he's in England spending time with his family.

Easter is in two days, and he wants to spend it out there which she understands. Then her phone buzzes on her nightstand, she sees she has a text from Theo.

Theo: Hey Shai, how is you're Easter break going?

Shai: Good I guess, I am off from Snowdan filming I'm just decorating Easter eggs with my mom and tanner how about you?

Theo: Sounds fun, I miss you

Shai: I miss you too

Theo: I sent you an Easter present in the mail it should be coming In a couple of days

Shai: Aww thank you, I have to go bye

Theo: Bye

"Shai the eggs are done boiling!" Lori yells

"I'm coming" Shailene saids.

Shailene gets off her bed and walks downstairs into the kitchen. Lori has a couple of cups of dye to drop the eggs into. "Are you coming with us to church on Easter?" Lori asks.

"Yeah sure I'll come" Shailene saids

Shailene misses Theo a lot, she can't wait to see him again, if she only could now.

Shailene hears her phone buzz, it's 4 am who can be texting me at this time of night? Shailene thought

Shailene looks at her phone, it's another text of Theo.

Theo: Did you get your Easter present yet?

Shai: No Theo, not yet why are you texting me now?

Theo: Well I was bored and I just wanted to know

Shai: I wish you were here with me

Theo: I did too, but I'm visting family now

Shai: look I'm gonna go to bed now since I'm really tired

Theo: goodnight Shai

shai: goodnight Theo

Shailene shuts off her phone and puts it on her nightstand. She buries her face into her pillow. She misses him, she misses him.

Shailene looks at herself in the mirror, in her spring time dress. It's Easter morning and she decides to go to church this year with her mom and brother. Then on her nightstand she grabs her birthstone necklace that Theo gave her last year. She puts it around her neck and buckles it in the back.

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