The Job Part 3

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Shailene looks through the mirror, and brushes her hair. She smiles she realizes she is happy now. She actually likes working.

"Shailene Theo is here to see you!" Her mother calls. Shailene shuts off the light and walks downstairs. "Hey I wanted to know if you wanted to come on a picnic today with my family?" He asks,

"I would love to". She grabs her jacket off from the chair in the kitchen. "Shailene just text me when your coming home alright?" Lori says. She nods and they both walk out the door.

Shailene and Theo walk up onto a hill while Theo is carrying a picnic basket. Theo's parents are down at the hill, Theo told them that they would be on top of the hill.

Theo lays out the Picnic basket on the grass and they both sit down on it. Theo lays out some ham salad and some sandwiches. Shailene crosses her legs. He hands her a sandwich and Shailene bites into it.

"You're parents are really nice you know," Shailene adds. Theo sits back down and eats some ham salad out of a paper bowl. "Not really, they embarrass me all the time when I'm with friends,"

"Yeah that's alright, that's what parents do I guess" Shailene adds. Theo laughs at her. Shailene takes a bite of the ham salad. "You're parents make really good food,"

"Well why thank you" Theo laughs. The trees blossom with flowers, it's only the end of May and some of the flowers are starting to fall off since it's almost summer. "So you're graduating this year?" Shailene asks

Theo nods. Shailene frowns because she realizes he will be off to collage next year. "Well I was planning going to Harvard" he adds. Shailene smiles because that's where she was planing to go to. "Really oh me too,"

Theo grins at her and then throws the trash from the food into the Picnic basket. "Then maybe we could you know spend time together when you're there" he says.

"That would be amazing, I would love that" Shailene says. But Shailene realizes she will have to spend one whole year without him. One year

But it's worth it.

A bee buzzed around her, Shailene swaps her hand to move it out of her way. But the Bee keeps bothering her then finally it stings her.

"Ow!" Shailene groans. Shailene sucks the end of her palm into her mouth to reduce the burn. "What's wrong?" Theo asks.

"A bee stinged me, ouch it really hurts" Shailene says. Theo scoots over to her and takes a look at her sting. He reaches into the picnic basket then grabs a ice pack and wraps it in a napkin.

He lays it on top of the sting gently and Shailene already feels better. "There that should help" Theo says.

"Thank you" She says.

Shailene and Theo hold hands while walking through the woods. Shailene finds a stream of water and they walk up a short moutain.

They find a rock to sit on and they let here feet dangle. Theo reaches for Shailenes hand and interlock's her hand within hers.

It's a good fire that Shailene feels. She looks up and smiles at him. He smiles back. He's so gorgeous Shailene thought. "I have to tell you something" he says.

"I'm in love in with you" he says. Shailene smiles at him. "I love you too" she says. She fits his mouth to his, and he kisses her back with more force.

She wraps an arm around his neck to pull him closer. He plants little kisses down her neck and Shailene sighs. They catch their breaths after and they rest their foreheads together.

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