You're Not Just My Best Friend

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I wait for my gate to be called, I'm waiting in the airport to get on my plane going to Atlanta. We start to film part one of Allegiant on Monday.

I'm excited to see Theo again but he has been acting strange lately. Ever since Insurgent promo he hasn't been the same. I don't know if he's tired and stressed from his other upcoming projects.

Or maybe there has been some family problems going on. I would ask him but I feel like It's not my right to know. If it was that important he would tell me.

But maybe it's just private for him which I completely understand and its life. If he doesn't want to tell me he doesn't have too.

Theo is my best friend and he would tell me anything if something was bugging him. He always would ask me for advice and I always would gladly give it to him.

I hear the flight passager starting to call the gates from my flight. I stand up and I grab my suitcase. I finally get into line once she calls my section.

The line moves slowly, she asks for my ticket. She rips off some of it and motions me to continue. I walk down the tunnel into the plane.

The plane isn't that packed which I'm happy about. Most of the time when it's packed tons of people try to ask me lots of questions. I love talking to fans but sometimes I don't know what to say.

I walk down the isle and I put my suitcase in the storage above my seat. I finally sit down and I lay back. I start to hear the pilot saying that we're going to take off soon.

"Oh my gosh your Shailene Woodley!" A girl says. I turn my body and find a teenage girl behind me. "Hi" I say. I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Could you sign my Allegiant book?" She asks. "Of course," I say. She hands me her book and a sharpie. I open to the front page and sign in the inside of the book. I turn around again and I hand her the book. "There you go sweetie,"

"Thanks so much," the girl says. I nod at her and I turn back around. I finally hear the pilot talking again. He tells us to strap on our seat belts.

I feel us start to move and I look out the window and were moving on the track. I sit back in my seat and I shut my phone off. Since we can't have our phones on when we're about to lift off.

In about a couple hours I'll be able to see Theo again. I just hope he's back to his normal self. I don't like seeing him like this.

My phone buzzes and I get a text from Theo.

Theo: Hey Shai how far are you it'll landing?

Shai: About a couple hours why your already there?

Theo: yeah, about an hour ago I left early last night

Shai: ohh I see

Theo: anyways I have to go, I can't wait to see you

Shai: Me too

I lock my screen and lay back in my seat. Well I know Theo is excited to see me but it doesn't mean if he's alright or upset. I just hope he is back to his Normal self.

Just all of a sudden he didn't look like he wasn't the same person. He didn't even tell that much jokes either and I miss that.

I just want to know what's going on with Theo. I don't want to be nosy or anything. But I'm worried about him and I care about him a lot.

I don't want him to be upset all the time and it could affect our filming. If he isn't the same when I see him again I guess I will have to ask.

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