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I open the door and throw my stuff onto the ground. Then I shut it and I hop onto the bed.

I'm exhausted

It has only been a month of filming part one of Allegiant and I'm already exhausted. It's the same thing ever day, the alarm goes off, then I get a shower then you head down to set, you film for a day then you go back to your hotel and go to sleep.

It honestly gets a little stressful sometimes because when I'm filming I don't have as much freedom as when I'm doing a promotion. Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to live a regular life as an adult if I haven't chose acting as my career.

But if I haven't chose acting then I would have never done Divergent and I would never have met Theo. We have been almost dating for one year. The media doesn't know about it.

I honestly don't want them to know about it, it'll after the divergent series is over. So then I would be stalked by paparazzi as I did before when I did the movies. The movies in the futureI will doing won't be part of a big franchise, like it is with the Divergent Series.

I love doing this franchise, I love being Tris because she is such a brave and unique person. I also just think the whole point of the story is beautiful. How she goes through so much but she can still stay strong.

Also in the end how she rather sacrifice herself then letting her brother take over the memory serum. I think that's the most bravest thing that she has done. But something that she did that saved her city.

But also its very sad at the end because she leaves Tobias. So then Tobias loses the only one that he ever loved and she was the only one that truly loved him for who he was.

But not every ending is happy, and the story thought you what real sacrifice really is. I think that is really important to this series.

But I'm also upset that I'm almost done with the Series. I am not ready for it to end but I knew that day is coming soon. Nothing lasts forever sadly.

I wish it could last longer, but there's only three books and I'm lucky they split the last book into two parts. So I can spend one more time filming.

I'm also lucky we are not filming the two parts at the same time. Then it would go to fast and it would be too much pressure and stress. Also I would be exhausted.

I'm also worried after the series is over one of us are going to move on and work on other projects and we will be too busy for each other. So then our relationship couldn't work anymore and it would feel like this whole series with him with be nothing.

It would be like dust

And I don't want to look back and see it as that. I want to see it as a great thing, a great opportunity that I took and I played an amazing character in a series. That I worked hard to play Tris from the book and I met an amazing person.

Who I was best friends with and I slowly fell in love with. Then we continued our relationship after the series were over. And that we weren't afraid to work on other projects with each other but we could still spend time with each other.

I see celebrities that have that relationships or they are married and they can still do that. But it all depends on the relationship if there strong enough to handle that.

But some relationships can't handle that either and either one has to quit there acting career and follow their lover. Or they just both end their acting career and live a regular life.

I want to still having an acting career but I don't want that to happen to me and Theo. I never thought we would ever start to date because he was Dating his girlfriend Ruth but that was it'll a year ago she cheated on him.

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