The Job Part 2

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It has been one week, one fucking week since she has talked to Theo. Shailene has lied to her mom that she had this big science project due on Friday so that she has been working on it every night. Which is a lie. She lays in bed, with her window open.

Maybe I overacted, Theo may be a really nice guy and he panicked and he didn't mean to do that Shailene thought.

I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot Shailene thought Not another guy is going to like me ever again. She buries her face into her pillow and pulls at her hair. Then she hears something coming from the window.

It's Theo, with flowers?

Shailene lifts her head up from the pillow and pushes her hair to the side. She leans against the headboard of her bed. "What are you doing here?" She asks. He walks through the window and hands her the flowers. "I know why you haven't been coming to work this week and it has been because of me" he says.

"Theo" Shailene sighs. He sits down next to her on the bed. "Where's your mom?" He asks. Shailene admires the flowers he got her. "She's out late working a night shift, she won't be home till midnight and Tanner is in bed" she says.

Theo nods and hands her a box. She opens it and there's a note. I'm sorry what I did and here's the spoon you took from me when I was going to serve that pudding to that costumer

Shailene smiles then giggles. "That is so cheesy Theo!" She laughs. He laughs with her. "I know, but do you forgive me?" He asks. She nods then smiles. "Yes I do, I overacted that night" she says.

"It's okay" he says. He smiles at her again. "Thank you for the flowers they're beautiful" she says.

"Well beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl" he says. Shailene blushes and Theo stands up and walks toward the window. "Theo" she says. He looks up at her. "Hmm?" He Asks

"Will you stay with me?" She says. Theo nods and walks towards the bed. Shailene gets underneath the covers. Theo takes off his shoes and then wraps her arms around her. She lays her head on his chest. Eventually she falls asleep.

The bell rings and Shailene walks into class. She sits down to her friend Emily. She opens her binder and takes out her homework. "So how has been the job?" She asks. Shailene places her pencil on top of her binder. "It has been alright" she says.

Emily smiles at her. "Hey at least there's a change for a car" she says. Shailene just shrugs. There Teacher Mrs. Lindson walks into the room. "Good afternoon students, take out your homework and I'm going to walk around to check it" she says.

She walks around and looks at shailenes paper. "No work, no credit" she says. She shakes her head. "What, I totally showed work" Shailene says.

"Excuse me, I do not appreciate attitude Mrs. Woodley" Mrs. Lindson says. Shailene rolls her eyes. "Don't make another peep or your staying with me after school today understand?" Mrs. Lindson says.

Shailene nods and Mrs. Lindson continues to check people's homework. Emily shrugs at her. Then Mrs. Lindson walks up to the board. "Okay turn to page 567 in your textbook and I'll do the first problem with you for a example if you don't finish it by the end of class it's homework" she says.

Shailene opens her textbook and turns to the page in her textbook. But she can't focus because she can't stop thinking about Theo.

Shailene chews on her pencil and Tanner throws a paper at her. "Can you make me a sandwich?" He asks. Shailene rolls her eyes. "Can't you see I'm busy? I'm doing homework" she says. "I'm hungry please" he says. Shailene shakes her head and he throws a pencil at her.

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