The Job Part 1

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This one shot is going to be different then the others. It's sheo as teenagers so I decided to try something different!

Shailene walks down the stairs and into the kitchen. Lori is making lunch, for the family. "Hey mom can I borrow some money?" Shailene asks. Lori sets down the wooden spy. "Why, where do you wanna go now?" Lori says.

"Well me and my friends want to go to the mall and I need some money so can I have some?" Shailene asks. Lori shakes her head at her. Shai is only a junior in high school and she is a very social person. "Shailene you went to the movies yesterday and I gave you money, why can't you hang at someone's house like normal person instead of going out?" Lori says.

"Because my friends don't like doing that so can I?" Shailene says. Lori shake her head and wipes the grease from the food on a towel. "No Shailene, text your friends If they want to hang out at someone's house if they want to they can hang out here which is fine"

"Please mom, they want to go out"

"No Shailene you either hang at someone's house or you don't hang with anyone,". Shailene crosses her arms then bites her lip. "Why can't I have a regular life?" Shailene says.

"Go up to your room Shailene if your going complain" Lori saids. Shailene groans. "You're ruining my life mom!" Shailene yells. She stomps up the stairs and slams the door to her room.

Shailene plants her face in her pillow. All Shailene wants to be is like everyone else. All the girls in her highschool get to go places they don't just hang out. Shailene doesn't even have a car. Her phone buzzes on her nightstand and she checks her phone. It's a text from her friends.

Lisa: Hey shai what did your mom say?

Shai: my mom said no, do you just wanna hang out at my place my mom said yes to that?

Molly: oh that sucks shai, we'll buy something small at the mall for you maybe next time?

Shai: yeah thanks, have fun I guess

Emily: sorry shai

Shailene turns her phone off and buries her face in the pillow. Why can't she be like everyone else why can't she fit in?

Shailene takes a sip of her coffee. Her brother Tanner sits down next to her and takes a bite of his eggs. Lori sits down across from her, and takes a sip of her coffee while reading the newspaper. "Mom why do you read the newspaper anymore, there's no news about dad" Shailene saids.

"I know, but I just check any news that is in the newspaper that is in our town Shailene" Lori says. Shailenes dad left her mother and her family when she was seven she doesn't really remember it that much so she doesn't really talk about it. "Hey I almost forgot, I got you a job from Aunt Cara's diner you start today after school" Lori says

Shailene spits out her coffee across the table and then wipes her mouth. "What?" She chuckles. Lori sets down her cup down. "Yes, you don't know the cent of money so this will teach you a lesson and maybe you can save up for a car" Lori says.

"But mom, I can't do a job with my friends and it's embarrassing and-"

"You are going today and that's final if you don't your grounded you understand?"

Shailene rolls her eyes and grabs her book bag and then her textbook. "Be ready by 4:00 that will give you an hour to eat a snack, do your homework and get ready" Lori says.

Shailene just rolls her eyes and walks out the door down to the bus stop.

"So how about it Shai you wanna get your nails done after school?" Lisa asks. Shailene puts her pencil down from doing homework. "Uh I can't-- I got a thing" She says. Her friends give her a strange look. "What kind of thing?" Molly asks.

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