Do You Like Me Or Do You Not?

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It was the first week of filming Allegiant part one in Atlanta Georgia. Shai, Theo and the rest of the cast are just getting back into the schedule. Shailene washes her face at the sink in her bathroom, washing all the makeup off from today from filming. She hears a knock on the door and wipes her face dry with a towel. She walks over to the door and turns the knob. She finds its Theo holding some food and a couple of DVDs.

"Movie night?" Theo asks. Shailene laughs and welcomes him to come inside. "Sure, did you bring the popcorn?" Shailene asks. Theo nods and goes into the kitchen area to pop the popcorn. Shailene goes into her closet and pulls out a blanket and lays it on the floor. She sits down and turns on the TV.

Theo comes back with the popcorn and with two glasses of water and puts it on the coffee table. He sits down next to Shai with the popcorn.

"So what movies did you bring?" Shai asks.

"Let's watch the spectacular now" Theo Saids.. Shai nods and grabs the DVD and puts it in the DVD player.

Then Shai lays her head on Theo's Lap. Theo isn't dating Ruth anymore, but lately he has been clingy. Shai likes Theo but the real question does Theo likes shai more then a friend? Theo runs his fingers through her short hair.

"Theo?" She asks. Shai lifts up her head and Theo puts the popcorn on the floor. "Hmm?" He asks. She wants to tell him, that she has feelings for him, but she doesn't want to ruin their friendship. "Nothing it's not important" Shai sighs.

"You sure?" Theo asks. Shai nods and Theo looks at her with his kind eyes. "Okay..." He saids.

She sighs and just scoots closer to him so she is touching his shoulder. "You wanna know what's funny?" Theo asks.

"What?" Shai saids.

"You have kissed Ansel, Miles and Me" He saids.

"And?" She saids.

"Your divergent and can't be controlled" Theo laughs.

Shai rolls her eyes and just smirks at him. Then they continue watching the movie.

Shai opens her eyes and sees its 3 am. She have must have fallen asleep. Theo is sleeping right next to her. His hand is wrapped around her waist. She smiles and feels protected. Why is he doing this? She thought. Does he really like me?

Shai gently removes his hand from her waist and stands up quietly. She goes into her kitchen area and opens the fridge for something to drink. She grabs some water and pours into a glass. She walks over to the island and takes a sip of it. She observes him, while he sleeps. He looks so much younger when he's asleep. Then she sets her glass on the counter and walks back to him.

She's deciding if she should go to her room or lay with him? Shai you don't even know if he even likes you in that way get over yourself. She thought. Shai walks over and lays back down next to him. She snuggles her head into his neck. Theo chuckles and can tell she's awake. Shai quickly closes her eyes and pretends she is asleep.

"Shai?" He whispers. He asks it again and she doesn't respond. She shakes her gently. She opens her eyes and rubs them. "Yeah?" She asks.

"I'm going to go back to my apartment now, I heard you were awake so I was figuring I could tell you so goodnight" Theo saids. He stands up and starts to walk to the door. "Theo?" Shai asks. He turns his back and looks at her.

"Yeah?" He saids. Shai takes a deep breath and is willing to take a chance. "Will you stay with me?" She asks. He nods and walks back over to her. "Of course" he saids.

He picks her up bridal style and Shailene laughs. "What are you doing?" She chuckles. He starts to walk into her bedroom. "You said you wanted me to stay with you and I ain't sleeping on that hard floor" Theo laughs.

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