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So this is a story of Sheo One shots! So sorry if this chapter is so short but this used to be an actual Sheo story and I haven't updated since January. So it was very hard for me to keep it up, because of school. I had barely enough time to keep up my other story "Convergent". My tests are really hard and school and I'm not doing so well on them. So I have to study with my parents and they want me to take school more seriously so. Then I would get so confused where I would been left off so doing this Is way more fun and it's Sheo too. So enjoy!
Drip drop, drip drop, rain hits the ground outside. Shailene has been working on insurgent reshoots about for a couple of days. The whole cast isn't in Atalanta but of course theo is. Shailene puts her belongings into her bookbag which she carries with her everywhere. A knock comes from the trailer door and she opens it, of course it's theo.

"Hey man, what's up?" Shailene questions. Theo is soaking wet, he is just in his costume from today earlier from when they were filming.

"Can I come in?" Theo says. Shailene nods and welcomes him into her warm, welcoming trailer. Theo sits down on the couch. "I'll get you some towels so you can dry off" shailene says. Theo just nods and she goes into her bathroom to get some towels. She hands them to theo and he starts to dry himself off.

Shailene sits down next to him, she can tell his eyes are red. "Hey what's wrong?" She says. Theo looks down at the floor then lifts his head. "Ruth broke up with me" theo chuckles.

"I am so sorry, that's her loss you deserve better" Shai says. Shai pulls him into a hug and he rests his head on her shoulder. "Hey you wanna go out somewhere tonight, like bowling" shai says

"Yeah that would be nice," Theo smiles. I smile back at him. "Hey I'm gonna go get changed and we can leave alright?" Shai says.

"Okay" Theo says.

Shailene and Theo reach the bowling ally. It's not very packed for the beginning of January. They get out of shailene's car and walk inside the ally.
Shai and Theo walk up to the front desk to pay for tonight and order their shoes. A girl with brown hair in a bun, wearing a bowling ally work shirt comes up to the front desk.

"Hello, welcome to Danny's Bowling Ally, how many people will be bowling tonight in your group?" The girl says.

"Hi, uh just two people please" Shai says.

"Okay, your total will come twenty two dollars and ninety nine cents" The Girl says.

Shailene pulls out her wallet in her purse but Theo pulls out his wallet before shai does. "Theo you don't" Shai says. Theo smiles at her, "No it's fine Shai I got it" Theo says. Shailene just smiles at him, why would he do that for her? Was he just being a gentleman or did he have a good reason?

"Thank you and what shoe size are you too?" The girl says. Shailene puts her wallet back in her purse.

"I'm a size seven" Shailene says. The girl goes into the back of the front desk and pulls out some bowling shoes out from a cubby. She walks back to the desk and sets them down on there. "and for you sir?" The girl asks.

"I'm a size 11" Theo says. The girl walks back to the cubbies and grabs his shoes and sets them down on the desk. "Your isle is 6, Have fun and enjoy!" The girl says.

Shailene and Theo walk to a bench to put there shoes on. Shailene takes off her leather boots. "I didn't know you had such tiny feet" Theo smirks.

"Shut up!" Shailene laughs. Shailene ties her shoes and so does theo. They walk to their isle and set their shoes on the table. Shailene picks up a hot pink bowling ball since that's her favorite color and rolls it. The bowling ball hits the pins and Shailene gets a strike.

"I bet you can't beat that!" Shailene laughs. Theo smirks at her, he studies her face features. He realizes he has a beautiful best friend standing by him.

"Okay maybe I can't, but watch this" Theo smirks. Theo picks up his bowling ball and rolls it backwards. He also gets a strike, Shailene just crosses her arms.

"Your such a wannabe" Shailene laughs. Theo just smiles at her then punches her in the arm gently. "I know but you can't resit being around me" Theo laughs. Shailene smirks and then rolls her eyes.

Theo tosses and turns through the night in his bed. He can't get his mind off of her. Shailene Is his bestest friend, but he can't get over her why?
He decides to get a glass of water from the kitchen. He takes a sip of his water, while he observes a picture of him and Ruth on the table. He walks over to it and slams it down on the wooden texture. He decides to call shai since he can't sleep.

Shailene hears a sound of vibration, she opens her eyes and realizes her phone is ringing on her bedside table. She realizes it's Theo, shai unlocks her phone and answers. "What theo?" Shailene laughs.
"Can I come over, I need to talk to you about something important?" Theo chuckles
"In 2'o clock in the morning Theo?" Shai whines
"Yes so can I please?" Theo says.
"Yes, my door is open so come on right in" shai says

Shailene decides to go back to sleep, five minutes later Theo walks into her bedroom. Shai sits up and looks at Theo. "So what did you need to tell me that was so important," Shailene questions. Theo sits down next to her, and looks into her hazel eyes in the moonlight.

"Shai, I have been thinking about something a lot, and it's you, I like you shai" Theo smiles. Shailene's heart beat, starts to beat fast. Her best friend said he likes her. But she's not so sure if he likes him back. "Really Theo?" Shailene questions. Theo nods at her then smiles. "Yes shai, you're beautiful" he smiles. Shailene smiles back at him.

"Can I stay here tonight, it's fine if I can't?" He says. Shailene nods at him, "yeah sure you can". Shailene lays back down on the pillow, with theos hands wrapped around her waist. She doesn't know what to think now. What if Theo is just using her to get over Ruth or What if he really does like her?

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I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far! I will still be updating Resurgent too, I will just update these stories on different days during the week.

- Nikki


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