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ANASTASIA DIDN'T KNOW IF she was more ashamed or pleased that she was beginning to grow comfortable and happy in her life at the Slat.

After all, it was practically indentured servitude; Kaz Brekker provided for her and Clara—food, clothes, a place to stay—with the promise that, in return, the two Grisha would do his bidding. So far, his orders had only been that single mission, but the fact of the situation still remained.

Despite this, Anastasia didn't mind the routine: breakfest with Inej and Clara, lunch with whoever wasn't busy, and dinner with all five of them—Anastasia, Clara, Inej, Kaz, and Jesper. Every moment outside of meals, sleeping, or spending time with the girls was devoted to lounging around in the Slat's library, pouring over the innumerable amount of ancient and modern texts. She'd even found a book of fairytales that was an updated copy of the stories her mother used to read to her before bed.

The normal routine was shattered when Kaz spoke up at dinner a few weeks after the heist at the merch's party:

"Do you know how to fight?" He asked between sips of water.

Anastasia froze, a fork full of roasted chicken halfway to her mouth. "I know how to use a sword, dagger, bow and arrow, crossbow, and a gun, if that's what you're asking. Plus, I've got my shadows." She replied hesitantly.

He sighed, set down his glass, and turned his heavy gaze to her. "That was not what I was asking." He said in his hoarse, raspy voice. He sounded like he'd smoked a dozen cigars every day for most of his life. "Do you know how to fight. Hand to hand combat. Because if you were to be disarmed, or caught in public when you can't use your ability, you'd be dead."

"It's not like she refrained from using her powers in public when I shot her." Jesper said, his tone hinting humor. It sounded like he was grinning stupidly.

Anastasia had half a mind to throw her knife at him. "No, I was never trained in physical combat. I learned to use weapons over the years instead." She answered, looking only at Kaz. She didn't want to give Jesper the satisfaction of speaking or looking directly to him; since he'd kissed her after the heist, they'd only exchanged brief words, such as pass the peas, or get out of my way.

Kaz made a hmm noise, low and gravelly. "Alright. Starting tomorrow morning, one of my men will meet you at the warehouse every day after breakfast to teach the four of you how to fight." He said matter-of-factly.

Clara, who had been observing silently while she ate, raised her eyebrows. "The four of us? We're all going to be training?"

"Yes." Kaz answered. "I want you all to be in top shape by the time I need you next."

Anastasia didn't dare object or complain.


The next morning, Anastasia stood between Clara and Inej, staring at what looked like a boxing ring that had been set up in the middle of the empty warehouse.

The three of them were the first to arrive, but soon after, Jesper came strolling in with a tall, burly man at his side. They were chatting about something, something funny, it seemed, because they broke off into chuckles as they approached the girls.

The muscular man, his hair, skin, and eyes all the same shade of dark brown, held his hand out to Anastasia. "My name is Carr, and you must be Anastasia, correct?" He introduced himself in an accent that was heavily Kerch.

She nodded and went to shake his hand.

The moment her hand slid into his grasp, he was moving, as lithe and quick as a viper, and before she knew it, she was on the ground.

LADY OF SHADOWS ☞ JESPER FAHEY (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now