Chapter 5 the search & rescue

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The next morning the team woke up at the crack of dawn. They had an early morning meeting. "Alright, listen up. Octaroo is more powerful than ever, it appears that he's unbeatable, but I have a plan. We're going to take him out with brute force." John said. "That's your plan?" Mike asked. "Not all of the nighloks were defeated. There was one left, that one being Octaroo." John said. "Will we have enough power to do it?" Emily asked. "We'll definitely have enough power to stop him, thanks to this." Lauren said while pulling out the shiba fire disk. "No doubt it will be a tough battle, but we're a strong team, and I believe that together, we can accomplish anything." John said. "Yeah." The rest of them said. "Rangers together." Mike said. "With such spirit, I pray they come back." Mentor Ji said. The others told John that they all have a stone for protection but the power of the spell got weaker since the last time. "Okay just give them to me and I will put the same spell that I used before." John said. They gave him the necklaces with the stones on them and John used the protection spell that I showed him years ago. "A hex, a curse, a severed bat head in your purse... whatever evil your enemy has in store, this protection spell is the perfect cure. Give these stones the strength of protection. May anyone who nears them be purified, their ill intentions transformed to those of kindness and goodwill. Wear the protective stones for one hundred and seven days hanging from a strip of toad leather, resting safely against your heart." John said. Then he gave the necklaces back to them. "Okay, now that the power of the spell is stronger we have to wear these when we are saving Jayden." John said. Then they go to the museum to look for Jayden and to rescue him. They go through the front door and found themselves being challenged by the moggers that were standing guard. They started to fight the moggers.

After fighting off the moggers they split up to search for and rescue Jayden. John came across Jayden's samuraizer. "Firefox, this is Blacky. I found something." John said. "What did you find Blacky?" Lauren said. "Jayden's samuraizer, I might be close. Did the others find anything?" John asked. "No, they didn't." Lauren said. They all look for signs of Jayden. John and Lauren were the only ones that found something. John was walking down the ice age animal hall when all of a sudden he tripped over Jayden's legs. John turned and looked at Jayden. "Jayden, are you okay?" John asked as he knelt down to the level he was at. "Yeah, I'm fine. But Octaroo is still in here somewhere, he's not going to like me talking to you guys." Jayden said. "Don't worry, we'll find him and destroy him." John said. Then he contacted the others and told them that he found Jayden but now they have to find Octaroo. Lauren found Octaroo in the hall of botany. He ran into the hall that he has Jayden in and met with the other villains he teamed up with. Lauren contacted the others and they all meet each other in that hall where Jayden is. "Nighlok, what did you want with my brother?" Lauren said. "Is it obvious? I want the symbol you red rangers use to seal Master Xandred away." Octaroo said. "He doesn't have the sealing symbol. I do." Lauren said. "Then, how about you give it to me? In exchange, I will release your brother." Octaroo said. "Lauren, it's too risky. You know what he'll do if you give him the symbol." John said. "Don't worry. I have a plan." Lauren said. Octaroo dosen't want to release Jayden. 🎶Octaroo: Let's get this party started. I swear I'm cold-hearted. There's no negotiation. I'm not here for debating. You need some motivation? Just look at Jayden's face then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient. I'll throw him into the ice age to fight dire wolves. You either hand over the symbol or he'll be ripped apart.
Lauren: Now let's all just be smart, although for you that must be hard. You'll get your symbol, no one has to come to any harm. Don't try to intimidate. Your bark is much worse than your bite. Who's the baddest of them all? I guess we're finding out tonight.
Villains: Let's go, bring it on. Better give us what we want. It's the symbol for the ranger. If you don't it's going down.
Rangers: Let's go make your move. Peace or war it's up to you. Give him up and do it now. If you don't it's going down.
Villains: We want the symbol or else the ranger is gone. Your time is running out. You should really watch your mouth.
Rangers: Let's go, pound for pound. We're prepared to stand our ground. Put your swords up, put them up. It's going down.
Villains: Make the trade, or fight to the death.(×2)
Lauren: Okay look, this is not a conversation. It's a do or die situation. If you don't give me back the ranger I'll have no hesitation. I'll serve you right here, and I don't need a reservation. That way your whole crew can have a demonstration. Release him now and we can go our separate ways. Unless you wanna deal with me... and the power rangers.
Octaroo: So that's your big speech huh? An empty ultimatum?
Dai-shi: All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate him. Matter of fact make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him. And if he even starts to slip I'll eliminate him. All it takes is one wrong look and I'll...
Octaroo: Dai-shi, we get it... chill.
Villains: Let's go bring it on. Better give us what we want. It's the symbol for the ranger. If you don't it's going down.
Rangers: Let's go, make your move. Peace or war it's up to you. Give him up and do it now. If you don't it's going down.
Villains: We want the symbol or else the ranger is gone. Your time is running out. You should really watch your mouth.
Rangers: Let's go, pound for pound. We're prepared to stand our ground. Put your swords up, put them up. It's going down.
Jayden: Hey, we don't have to choose. We don't have to light the fuse. Lauren, whatever you do it's gonna be a lose-lose. There's got to be a better way. Octaroo, I promise I'll give you your chance. You'll have your say.
Octaroo: Silly ranger, you... give me? You're gonna give me a chance? Well, not a chance.
Villains: Make the trade, or fight to the death.(×2)🎶
They fight them off but while escaping with Jayden there was an explosion knocking Lauren out.

Jayden's year of grief (Sequel to the hybrid ranger)Where stories live. Discover now