Chapter 14 saving John from the underworld part 4

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Then Mia said something. "You won't be alone. I still owe him a punch in his pretty mouth for kissing me." Mia said. "He kissed you?" Kevin asked. "I thought it was you." Mia said. As Kevin and Mia walked out Ken had a good idea. "In the meanwhile, we should go about our usual business. Hades has eyes everywhere. We can't have him learning what we're up to." Ken said. "A fine plan. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he learns a valuable lesson. One should never mess with the Mitton brothers." John said. Later that day in a bar Ken was cleaning some glasses when Hades showed up. "Wow, even for the underworld, it is dead in here." Hades said. "Can I help you? If you want a drink, I can make you anything." Ken said. "That's okay, I can help myself." Hades said before using some of his magic to make two glasses of a butterscotch colored drink in them appear. "This scotch is a few centuries old. I think it's aged quite well. The key is to store it underground. Here, try some." Hades said while giving Ken one of the glasses. Ken picked up the glass and tried it. "It's good, right? See? I'm not such a bad guy. But here you are trying to stage some kind of a... what's that quaint nautical word you keep using? Uh, that's right. Battle." Hades said. "So you found us out." Ken said. "Well, like you said, I have eyes everywhere. What I don't have is that storybook." Hades said. "And what do you want from me?" Ken asked. "Not much. I don't even really care about that book, except for a few select pages. The ones about me. So find the book and destroy them." Hades said. "Do it yourself." Ken said. "It's the Sorcerer's house. Light magic doesn't agree with me. So I kind of need you." Hades said. "And if I refuse?" Ken asked. "I'll tell your brother the thing you never could. The reason you're really down here." Hades said. Meanwhile in the underworld version of the netherworld Mia and Kevin found the key and got the hell out of there. Meanwhile at the cafe, "Please stop staring at the door. When Kevin and Mia walk through it I promise I'll tell you." Antonio said. "Maybe this was a bad idea. I should have gone with them." Lauren said. "Would you relax? People are starting to stare at us. Remember what Ken said. We need to act casual." Antonio said. "Yeah, what do you think of Ken anyway? You don't think he's a little self-righteous, do you?" Lauren asked. "He doesn't like you, does he?" Antonio asked. "He doesn't think I'm good enough for John." Lauren said. "To be honest, you're too good for John." Antonio said. "He's different with Ken. It's like he thinks he walks on water." Lauren said. "What's going on?" Antonio asked. "Ken thinks I should let John move on." Lauren said. "Who cares what Ken thinks? What does John think?" Antonio asked. "He agrees." Lauren said. "Well, that's because he hasn't forgiven himself." Antonio said. "How do you know that?" Lauren said. "Though I hate to admit it, we're much alike. And forgiving yourself is the hardest thing to do. You want to help John, help him with that." Antonio said. Then Emily walked in. "Antonio, Lauren, Mia and Kevin found the key." Emily said. They go to the mansion. "The mansion is here. I guess Bulk was telling the truth." John said. "Do we have the key?" Ken asked. "We have it, but there's a protection spell on the door. Could be dangerous to open it." John said. "Right. Well, I suppose I should do the honors. I've been dead the longest. I'd say I have the least to lose." Ken said. "You always were the noble one, weren't you?" John said while giving Ken the key. They go into the house to find the book. "Wonderful. Love what they've done with the place." John said. "We should split up. Move fast." Ken said. "Uh, yeah, I guess. Emily, uh, you gotta stay here." Lauren said. "But this was my idea. I'm not going to stand behind and do nothing." Emily said. "You're not doing nothing. You're the lookout." Lauren said. "Lookout?" Emily asked. "Don't argue with your sister friend, or your best friend." Antonio said. Ken found the book in a box in the library part of the house. He finds the Hades story and ripped it out of the book and folded them up. Then he put them in his pocket. "I'm sorry brother." Ken said. A few minutes later John looked through the book but didn't see the story. "There's no mention of Hades story anywhere." John said. "Hang on, look. There's some pages that are missing. What do you think Ken? You found the book. Was there any evidence it had been tampered with?" Lauren asked. "No. And until I find any, I'll choose to have hope. Those pages could have fallen out and still be in this house. And I for one won't give up without trying to find them." Ken said before walking out. John noticed that something was bothering Lauren. "What's wrong?" John asked. "Nothing. Let's go." Lauren said. "No, wait. Not until you tell me what's going on. I know when something is bothering you." John said. "It's Ken. I've had a bad feeling ever since we met. And at first I thought it was just because he didn't like me. I think he's hiding something." Lauren said. "That's preposterous. My brother wouldn't lie." John said. "Maybe there's stuff about him you don't know. Maybe he does know what his unfinished business is down here." Lauren said. "No, you're wrong about him. I know who my brother is. I'm going to go help him find those pages." John said before walking out. After a few minutes Ken was standing by a well. He took the pages out of his pocket and threw them into the well just as Lauren walked up behind him. "Find anything out here?" Lauren asked. "Lauren. I'm afraid a rangers team leader can only be cooped for so long. I had to come out and get some air. What brings you here?" Ken said while turning to her and walking up to her. "I wanted to show you this." Lauren said while pulling out a ring. "It's the ring I gave John. I noticed he wasn't wearing it." Ken said. "Because he gave it to me. And you know what he told me when he did? That it once belonged to another girl he loved so much. You're his hero. He doesn't think you can do any wrong. Which is why I can't figure out why you would lie to him." Lauren said.

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