Chapter 15 saving John from the underworld part 5

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Then John walked up to them. "Ken, Lauren, what's going on?" John asked. "She thinks I lied to you." Ken said. "He took the pages. I can prove it. Ask him to show you his hands. He's been hiding them since I got here." Lauren said. "Look, if it would help to clear things up, I'd be happy to." Ken said. "That won't be necessary. I don't need proof to know what's really going on here. Lauren, when are you gonna admit that this isn't really about my brother?" John asked. "What else would you think it was about?" Lauren asked. "Us. You think if you can prove that Ken is a villain, then I'll somehow feel like I was less of one. Then you can convince me I'm worth saving and that we've got a future together." John said. "You agree with him?" Lauren said. "Why bring me back if I should just move on? After we defeat Hades, I won't be returning with you. My fate isn't in Panorama City. It should be determined here." John said. "It doesn't have to be. You can come home. You just have to forgive yourself. Thing is, no matter how many times I tell you, or anybody else does, you have to do it yourself." Lauren said before walking away. "Lauren!" John said as he started to go after her only to be stopped by Ken. "Let her go John. It's for the best." Ken said. Then John noticed his hand. "Your hand. You are hiding something." John said. "It's nothing." Ken said. John grabbed his hand and took a closer look at it. It's ink from the pages. Lauren was right. Why would you lie to me?" John asked. "Because he's got much bigger secrets than what's in some book. Like the truth about what he did to us." Ryan said. "What truth is he talking about Ken? What does it have to do with those missing pages?" John asked. "Your brother is not the hero he pretends to be. I found that out when I stopped by his tavern for my usual drink. He had a rather unexpected guest. Hades. He traded our souls for the eye of the storm. Hades threatened to reveal the truth unless your brother destroyed the pages from that book." Ryan said. "Ken, please tell me there's another explanation for this." John said. "I'm sorry John, but I didn't have any other choice. I had to do what I could in order to save us." Ken said. "You lied to me." John said. "And now you're both going to pay." Ryan said. Then they surrounded them and covered their faces with some kind of bag. They brought them to a place where they are surrounded by fire on three sides. "You can remove them now." Ryan said. They removed the bags from their heads. "It's time to walk the plank." Ryan said. "I'll gladly walk it. Just spare John, please. He has nothing to do with this." Ken said. "He should have gone down along with the rest of the rangers that betrayed them. And now he finally will." Ryan said. "I'm sorry John. I wanted to be this perfect example for you. To inspire you." Ken said. "What you did was raise the bar so high, the only thing I could do was fail." John said. "No more talking! Time to face justice boys." Ryan said. Then Hades showed up. "Did someone decide to have a party and forget to invite me?" Hades said. Branden turned around and saw Hades standing right in front of him. "Lord... Lord Hades." Branden said. Hades then blows sending Branden into the fire. "And now for the Mitton brothers. One of them kept up his end of our bargain and gets to live. While the other one escaped my dungeon, and for that he has to pay. At last we'll see the end of the black ranger. And this time, you won't be able to protect him." Hades said. "No. I won't let you hurt John, no matter what kind of deal we made." Ken said. "Fine. Have it your way." Hades said. Then he blew knocking Ken over John and John grabbed his hand. "Ken, please, hang on." John said. "I'm sorry brother. Can you forgive me for what I've done?" Ken asked. "Yes, but that's not what's important. You need to find a way to forgive yourself." John said. "I can't. Not after what I did to you. The only way to make amends is for me to pay the price." Ken said. "No. No! Ken!" John said as Ken let go. Then his grip slipped and Ken fell into the fire. Then something unexpected happened. "No!" Hades said. "What's happening?" John asked. "You will pay for this." Hades said before disappearing. John looked behind him and saw his brother on a lifeboat with a bigger boat off in the distance. "Ken. You're safe." John said. "Yes. It appears I am. Suppose this is the sacrifice I should have made long ago. And now, I can finally depart." Ken said. "Then go. All of you. Now that you finally know the truth, your unfinished business is complete as well." John  said. Then Ryan and his friends got on the boat. "What about you brother?" Ken asked. "My unfinished business isn't done yet. Not until Lauren and I have defeated Hades." John said. "Tell her that I'm sorry and I was wrong. She does want what's best for you. And don't worry about reaching that bar anymore John. You've become a true hero in a way I never could. Goodbye." Ken said as he held his hand out to John. John grabbed his hand and gave it a shake. "Goodbye brother." John said. Then the ship sailed away. Then John went back to the house. "John, where the hell have you been? First you and Ken left, then Emily ran off to convince Jayden to come back here." Lauren said. "I'm sorry Lauren. You were right about Ken. He destroyed those pages because of the deal he made with Hades. A deal that almost got us thrown into the boiling sea." John said. "Are you okay? Where is he?" Lauren asked. "He sacrificed himself. But his sacrifice helped a team he once fought alongside. They finally moved on, thanks to him." John said. "Did he move on too?" Lauren asked. "He did. But he helped me see the truth before he went. I'm glad you came down here Lauren. Perhaps I do deserve saving after all." John said. "Does that mean when this is all over you're planning to come home?" Lauren asked. "Yes. Everything Ken did was to ensure that I had a future. And I damn well intend to have one." John said before he kissed Lauren.

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