chapter twenty nine : ~ new adventure ~

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Hermione's P.o.V

I laid on my bed angrily . Refusing to talk to anyone . And now that harry told them all . They were all ignoring me . Or acting like they don't want to talk to me

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep when someone called me . I oppened my eyes confusedly . But there was nothing . Am i crazy
I covered myself without caring about what happened when the voice called again .'and someone stepped on my bed . I took the cover off my body fearfully to see sandy . She was there . I can't believe she's with me.

- sandy . How did u find me ? -

- mr malfoy asked me to search for u ? -

- how is he ? -

- he's a prisoner . They discovered wha he did . They are u waiting for the dark lord to come to the manner -

- and ??? - i said fearfully

- he'll definatley torture him .... or worse -

- shshsh . Don't say that . Please -

- i'm sorry -

- i wish i never ran away . I wish i didn't leave him . I wish he never fall in love with me ? - i cried hardly

If i lose him ? If i never see him again . I would never be happy . I wouldn't be alive

- help him sandy . - i begged

- i can't mrs - she put her head down

- then give me a solution . Help me . I want to help him - i said

- i don't know . We can't do anything about it mrs . - she said before dissapearing

- sandy . Sandy . Don't go - i screamt

He can't leave me alone . He can't die . I would never let anyone hurt him

Draco's pov :

I was laying on my bed . All i was thinking about is her . I hope sandy found her . I hope she's fine - all my thoughts faded when i saw sandy standing in front of me . I stood up quickly from my place

- did u know anything ? - i asked curiously

- yes . Mrs granger is with the weasly's . She's fine .... but scared -

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