chapter thirty two : the Best Surprise

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Hermione's P.O.V

i entered the room , Ginny was laying on her bed , i sat beside her and put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her , but she pushed me away : '' stay away , it was all your fault '' she yelled

'' my fault ??? ''

'' yes , you told me to tell Harry about the truth . i hope you are happy ''

'' because it was your only choice , if you didn't tell him you would have lost him '' i explained

'' leave the room , please ''

'' but Gin ... ''

'' i said leave '' she looked away

, i ran away crying , i sat on the garden , it was dark

'' Hermione '' someone stepped in the garden

'' Draco , what are you doing here ? '' i asked

'' what are you doing here ? why are you crying ? '' he asked worriedly as he sat with me

'' it's Ginny , she says that i'm the reason of what happened between her and Harry '' i cried

'' you shouldn't care about what she said , she has no right to accuse you , we all know it was her fault , now i don't want to see you crying anymore , okay ? '' he smiled

'' okay '' i smiled weakly

'' i will take you to dinner tommorow ,and you have no right to say No . i have a suprise for you '' he said and i looked at him curiously

'' i won't say no then ,since you will pay for dinner and everything '' i joked

'' of course '' he laughed '' come on , go and have some rest '' he ordered

'' and how about you ? '' i asked curiously

'' i will stay , just for a little bit '' he looked at the sky

'' is there anything wrong Draco , are you thinking about your parents ? '' i asked considerably

'' No , no , i couldn't sleep , that is all , go and sleep , good night '' he smiled

'' good night '' i smiled and then i walked inside

the next morning :

Draco's P.O.V :

i woke up at the sound of the alarm , it was 9.00 o'clock , i walked downstaires to find Hermione , Fred , George , Mrs Weasly sitting on the table , having their breakfast , Mr Weasly must be at work , but i wondered where was Potter and the Weasl girl : '' Good morning '' i said as i took a sit at the table

'' good morning '' Hermione smiled

'' good morning dear '' Mrs Weasly gave me a smile , i felt that she's my mother , i missed mum so much , she was my only friend , my house , my everything

'' would you like to drink some juice Draco ? '' Hermione requested

'' yes please '' i smiled

'' Fred , Go and wake your sister '' Mrs Weasly ordered , and Fred ran downstaires

'' don' worry Molly , evrything will be okay '' Hermione put a hand on Molly's shoulder

'' i hope so my dear , i hope so ''

Hermione's P.O.V :

when i finished breakfast , i helped Molly cleaning the house , and then i went looking for Draco , '' he must be in the Garden '' i thought to myself

i walked to the garden , i looked for him there but didn't find him , i stopped there when suddenly someone hugged me from the back, i turned to face him '' Draco '' i smiled

'' looking for me '' he smiled

'' yes '' i said

'' missed me already hah ? '' he joked

'' i believe i did , where were you ? ''

'' i was with george , playing chess '' he explained

'' since when he became George to you , you never call anyone of them by their first names ? ''

'' since i fell in love with you '' i blushed

'' i love when you blush '' he grinned and i smiled

9.00 p.m :

Hermione's P.O.V :

i told the Weaslys that i won't have dinner with them , Molly was warning me every minute , telling me to be carful , i guess she was worried about Harry too , he didn't come home , we didn't see him all the day , i was getting scared too

i wore a beautiful red dress , the dress was plain , but i loved it , i love red so much , i matched the dress with red heels, i put some make up and i let my hair down .

i walked downstaires to find Draco , he smiled , held my hand then wisphered : you look beautiful

'' thanks '' i smiled back to him , we said goodbye to the Weaslys and then left the house

i was happy , i never imagined myself walking the street with Draco , we always hated each others, and now , now we were walking together , holding hands , there was nothing but love in our life

'' Hermione , what are you thinking about '' he asked

'' us , years ago , when we hated each others '' i said

'' i know , my fault , wasn't it ? '' he looked guilty

'' yes , but not only yours , i mean we were all wrong ''

'' well , let's forget about the past okay , come on we need to get in , ladies first '' he said as he opened the door of the restaurent

we entered then took our seats , the place was amazing , i couldn't say anything but Wow

'' my favourite restaurent , what do you think ? '' he asked

'' i loved it '' i said happily

when we finished , we walked outside , we were holding hands , and everything was beautiful , when suddenly Draco stopped

'' what's wrong ? '' i asked : why did we stop ? ''

''remember i told you that i have a suprise for you ''

'' what is it ? '' i asked curiously

Draco knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring , i was shocked

'' Hermione , i know we hated each others in the past , and i treated you so badly , but then everything changed , you changed my life and made me a better person , you make me happy , you're smat , beautiful , brave , strong , loyal to the people you love , you are perfect to me and i love everything about you , will you marry me ? ''

i cried , i was the happiest woman ever : '' yes , yes , i accept '' i gave him a hug

'' i love you '' we hugged each other tightly

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