Chapter Ten : Helping the Mudblood

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Draco knew he was putting himself in danger by assisting Hermione, but he couldn't ignore her desperation to check on Ron. They walked for what seemed like miles, Hermione's urgency outweighing any concerns about Draco potentially revealing Harry and Ron's whereabouts.

Hermione's POV:

"We're so close. It was here," I said as we walked together.

"Hurry up," Draco urged coldly.

"It was here, the tent. I'm sure," I insisted, heading towards our former campsite.

"If that's the case, then they've likely moved on. They ran away, changed locations," Draco explained matter-of-factly.

"Now how am I supposed to find them? What am I supposed to do?" I felt tears welling up.

"Shh, just don't cry," Draco tried to calm me.

"I'm afraid of the dream," I confessed.

"Yes, I know. We should go," he suggested.

"Can't we just wait a little longer? Maybe... they'll come," I pleaded.

"No, we can't. Do you know what I'm facing right now? Just imagine if someone knows I'm helping you. I'll be dead," he reminded me sternly.

"I'm sorry, I apologize," I said softly.

"You should," he retorted before reassuring me, "And don't worry too much. I'll find a way to locate Weasley."

"Thank you," I whispered as we reached the Malfoy Manor, dreading the prospect of staying there.

"You're staying here. I'll be upstairs. If you need anything, call me or an elf," Draco instructed.

"You're leaving?" I asked with a tinge of sadness.

"What's your problem? You want me to stay here with you every single day?" he snapped.

"It's just..." I struggled to articulate my thoughts.

"Granger, don't forget the difference between us. Just because I decided to help you once, don't let your imagination run wild," he warned sharply.

"Don't lie to me and tell me that you're a bad person. I've seen you. You're not like them. And I'll show you the real you, I'll show you, Malfoy," I insisted.

"Me? A better person? Granger, you're funny. I'm not like Weasley or Potter. Weasley is pathetic, and I wonder why you love him," he remarked harshly.

"None of your business," he shot back before abruptly walking away, leaving me wondering what had gotten into him.

I sat there, perplexed by Draco's behaviour. Then, I noticed the door was ajar. Curiosity overtook me, and I cautiously ascended the stairs. At the end of the hallway, I found a large door. Without hesitation, I pushed it open and found Draco inside, his eyes red from crying.

"What are you doing here?" he almost shouted. "How did you get out?"

"The door was open. What's going on?" I asked, concerned.

"Go back downstairs. Now!" he ordered angrily.

"Not before I know what happened to you," I insisted, moving closer.

"Granger, leave," he demanded again.

"No," I refused, staring at him intently. "What happened?"

"Don't you see that I'm weak?" he whispered.

"Weak? Why do you think that?" I inquired.

"Because of helping you. What a shame for Death Eaters. I'm a disgrace," he confessed.

"Yes, you are a disgrace to them, but a hero to me, and to all the people who want a peaceful world," I comforted

"Shut up. A peaceful world? What world is that? Where Mudbloods and Purebloods live together, happily ever after?" he scoffed.

"Do you want me to die?" I asked, hurt by his callous words.

He didn't answer, his silence speaking volumes.

"Answer me. Would it be a happy life if you never saw my face again? Because I won't lie; I can't live without seeing you, even just once," I said, attempting to leave. But his grip tightened as he turned me to face him.

"Why? Why can't you?" he asked, his tone softening.

Draco's P.O.V:

"Just imagine, I've known you all my life. It would be stupid not to see you anymore," she explained.

"You're sick," I laughed.

"Obviously, yes, I am," she smiled. "Goodnight."

"Don't leave. Stay here. I'll sleep on the couch; you sleep in my bed," I demanded.

"Thank you. For the first time, I'll be sleeping like a human," she giggled.

"You should thank me for that," I said, but received no response. I called her name again, but she was already fast asleep, looking so innocent and peaceful.

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