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With the wind at their back, the 3 days journey should've been a breeze. Being sure to Only Stop occasionally to make repairs to their aircraft's. However, On one of their earliest stops on day 2 they said their goodbyes to Hordak and Entrapta. They landed near the cave the young scientist had left her machine companions in. When they got out of the balloons, Emily was so happy to see her creators that she nearly flattened them both when she spotted the pair. The young scientist was sure to show each one of her beloved robots much needed attention as she was swarmed by them.

"Entrapta.. are you sure you don't want to come back to Brightmoon with us? You've done so much to help us that I can lift your banishment" Glimmer tried to reason with the scientist who she once dreaded being around. "Thanks but.. Hordak and I have so much data to collect out there. An entire planet just waiting for it's mechanical mysteries to be discovered" Entrapta beamed as she pet Emily's smooth metal surface. "Well, stop by Bright moon anytime. We can invent more gadgets and you can tell us all about your discoveries" Bow says giving her a gently squeeze on the shoulder. "Take care Entrapta" Adora smiled as she shook the hair Entrapta had extended to her. Catra made a hand gesture towards Hordak that said she'd be watching him and would possibly pummel him if he tried anything.

With the couple of Hordak and Entrapta gone now, that left the best friend squad behind with their newest member. "Let's get back to BrightMoon. Adora you coming?" Glimmer asked as she help pull bow into the basket. Adora looked over to Catra who was now standing alone in her basket, securing vines and readying to activate her balloon just as Bow had shown her. "Actually, I think I'm gonna ride with Catra. You know to keep everything balanced. Ya know two to a balloon now instead of three." Adora smiled rubbing her neck but her excuse wasn't fooling either of them. "Go on. Be with your wifey" Glimmer teased. Blush stained the blondes cheeks as she waved them off and climbed into the basket with the feline.

The rustling of the basket caused Catra to stumble backwards just as the two balloons began to drift into the air again, luckily something caught her, or rather someone. "Adora? Aren't you in the wrong basket? Your best friend squad is in the other one. This one is for traders and ex horde scum remember" the feline said trying to gain her footing again. Adora kept her hands on Catra's sides until she was sure she had her balance back, noting the vine that Catra had tied around herself that would've caught her anyway. "I wanted to ride with you... plus I know you. you would have just cut the vine connecting the balloons before we even got to Bright Moon. I don't wanna be apart from you again" Adoras confession caused a Catra to blush slightly and look away at nothing but the clear sky. "You know me too well.. or maybe I'm getting predictable" Catra sighed before sitting down not wanting to look down below longer than she had too.

Adora double checked the connection vines before joining Catra on the floor of the basket, sitting opposite of her so that she had a view of both Catra and the balloon that carried Bow and Glimmer. Her foot extended across the basket so it was lightly touching Catra's padding on her feet. "Are you hungry? We can have some of our rations now if you want we have extra now without Entrapta and Hordak.. they insisted that they didn't want any" Adora asked as she rummaged through the sack of food meant to last them at least 4 days. Catra hugged her knees to her chest shivering as the wind blew. It was much colder in the sky compared to the trench. "Not hungry" Catra replied not looking at the blonde. "Oookay... Maybe later" Adora said closing the sack.

What felt like an eternity past in silence as they drifted along in the wind. In the other basket Catra could hear the familiar voice of Glimmer and bow talking about the deck of cards the Archer had brought along. Apparently Glimmer was a sore loser when it came to whatever game they were playing. She closed here eyes and shivered at the cold rustling her hair and the little fur on her body. Then suddenly the basket felt like it shifted as a weight moved making the basket slightly uneven. She peeked up in surprise until she realized that it was only Adora who had moved to her side. "Here. It's big enough for two" The blonde said as she wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. "Thanks.." the feline whispered. The new warmth was almost lulling and rather welcoming. Adora smiled as Catra even leaned against her after a few minutes. "Bow said that we should reach Brightmoon by morning." Adora said trying to make small talk while also being informative. But her information fell on deft ears as She heard a soft snore coming from Catra. A gentle smile pulled at The blonde me lips before Pulling the blanket up to cover catras shoulder, Adora then laid her head ontop of catras soft mane and found herself drifting to sleep.

——— The next day ———

"IM HOME BRIGHT MOON!!" Came Glimmers loud voice. The sudden screeching startled the couple awake causing them to scramble to their feet to see what the commotion was. "W-we're here? WERE BACK!!" Adora cheered pumping her fist in the air then hugging Catra who's nailed embedded themselves into the backer as she was tossed around by Adoras excitement. Looking ahead the castle of Bright moon was coming into view. Bow in his excitement lifted glimmer up and spun her around laughing with joy. Her excitement for being home and close to her luxurious life again. How's excitement was his pride in his air craftsmanship. He was so proud that the balloons carried them this far even after sustaining damages early on in the trip. "We did it! YES!!" He cheered before putting glimmer down and kisssing her square on the lips. He froze for a second before getting pulled into another kiss. The couple couldn't be happier.

Catra however felt her stomach twisting into triple knots the closer they got. Bright moon was growing bigger by the second as Bow and Adora brought the balloons down into a clearing just outside of the palace. Those on the ground who had seen the Balloons began racing towards the clearing to greet their Queen and celebrate her safe return. By the time they fully landed, a large crowd had appeared including their fellow princesses who had gathered back at bright moon and even some of the Horde refugees who decided to stick around. The roar of cheers, clapping and calls in praise of their queen and saviors echoed throughout Bright moon. Bow, Glimmer and Adora all left their balloons to bathe in the praise and receive their share of hugs from the other princesses. But again one was missing.

Catra hung back in the basket and again found herself frozen in place. The greeting party looked more like a mob of angry people to her. Each one ready to pummel her on sight. Only this time Adora turned around and gently took catras hand "come on... it's ok. I won't let anything happen to you" Catra looked at their hands and shyly allowed the blonde to lead her out of the basket. The crowd got slightly quieter as they watched the feline emerge with the girl that held the power of She-Ra. Catra heard people whispering as they looked at her but her eyes stayed steady on the ground at their feet until they stopped infront of the group of gathered princesses.

Catras eyes saw a pair of feet step infront of here. She squeezed her eyes shut before looking up, opening them and gazing at the large woman infront of her. "Catra" the sound of her name in a familiar yet harder tone caused the feline to flinch, that was before she was engulfed in a spine crunching embrace. "Welcome home wild cat" Came Scorpia's voice. Catra didn't even fight to escape the hug. Usually she'd squirm and scratch her way to freedom. But after everything she put Scorpia through, she choose to allow Scorpia to have this and wouldn't blame her if she did squeeze tighter. "S-still a hugger. S-scorpia" Catra breathed with what little air she could before she was fine released. Thankfully Adora was there to steady her again as she refilled her lungs with air.

"A feast in honor of Queen Glimmer and her friends safe return!"

Message from the writer:

Sorry this last chapter is short but I just wanted to thank everyone who's read this and helped support me. Your patience has been greatly appreciated in these trying times. I figured I'd somewhat wrap this up to give you all some closure for this story. I do plan on writing another that follows Catra and her adapting to her new life in Bright moon with Adora. Might do a one shot, That new story will be 18+ :3 So keep your eyes out for it. It will be posed/written on this account so you all don't gotta worry about tracking it down again. Lol. I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think should happen.

On your own. No more pt 2 (catradora)Where stories live. Discover now