Light in the dark

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(Hopefully everyone is on the edge of their seats with this chapter and the previous. And I'm sorry for the delay. 2020 has been an emotional roller coaster. Might write a story about it. Might keep it to myself. But anyway I hope everyone likes this chapter and thank you all for being here)

The bottom of the trench:

The last fading rays of sun light within the trench were slowly being chased away by the shadow of the trench wall and the fast approaching night fall not far behind. "Keep your eyes pealed.. we have about twenty minutes until the shadow of the trench reaches the ship. Then...All hell will break lose. Be prepared." Adora spoke to her friends. Her pale blue eyes not leaving her assigned task. Bow walked over to one of eight small fire pits carrying an arm full sticks. "And Remember. Stay within the ring of light made by the fires and be ready to grab Catra and pull her into the light if you get the chance. We need to get her into the light" The blonde continued as she busied herself with making torches, lighting them then sticking them into the ground cheating a secondary ring of light more so scattered than the first. Glimmer glanced up at bow who seemed to be having the same worried thought. Putting his sticks down, Bow and Glimmer approached Their friend having finished their last fire pit. "Adora. We're going to get Catra back, together." Glimmer says reaching her hand out and placing it on Adora's shoulder causing the blonde to look up at her. The look of anger and determination that once burned on Adoras face now softened. "We're here for both of you Adora. We'll get her back no matter how many nights it takes" Bow assured. This caused a soft sigh and smile to form on the blondes features.

Back on the ship: (5 minutes till dark)

A figure leaps between the shadows, avoiding the glow of the luminescent plants and holes that allowed rays of lights to seep in. "Hsss~..not much longer. Not much longer" The figure mutters to its self as it quickly pulled away from a ray of light that shown against their arm causing their darkness to retreat and expose the brown stripes of the feline underneath. "Soon I'll show you what real victory feels like. It's just a matter of time now. Then I'll wipe them out just like you should have Catra. Unfortunately you were too weak. But now it's my turn. I'll show you.. I don't need friends... but a kill count does sound much better" Slowly Dark Catra approached the door of the ship and watched as the last rays of light fled allowing a wave of dark shadow to fill the trench and finally cover the ship in darkness. Narrowed eyes and Sharp teeth form on the dark figures face as they smile maliciously. "Oh this is gonna be fun~" Dark Catra purrs as they swiftly leap from the ship, now in the cover of complete darkness.

Ring of fire:

Now with night settling in and the stars shining above them the three teens stand back to back with weapons in hand ready for the imminent attack. Just then Adora sees a black shadow dart out of the ship and race down the wall towards their ring of light and fire "Here they come!" Bow shouts upon seeing a dark shadow weave between the few small trees that separated them. "Hahaha~" the figure laughed mockingly as it ran around them kicking up dust and clouding their vision. "Bow. Ready your arrows. Glimmer with me." Adora barks orders as she grabs a long metal bar that now doubled as a staff. Bow dipped the tip of his arrows into a near by fire pit and readied his shot, letting it fly towards the dark shadow that ran past in the cloud of dust. Dark Catra ducked under the two arrows fired at them  and attempted to grab the archer who had stepped out into the dimly lit area of their protective ring of light. Luckily the young queen was quick to reach Bows side, swinging her torch at them causing dark Catra to hiss and retreat. Each time light cast over the shadow figure, the true Catra was revealed but quickly engulfed again by the dark cloak of Warped Catra. "Missed me princess. Now you've got to kiss me~" the dark figure mocked as they were knocked back into the cloud of dust and shadow. Adora glared into the dark before seeing something move back and forth "over there!" The blonde shouts before leaping out of the ring of light and swinging her staff down towards the dark figure. "Adora! Bow shoot near her right!" Glimmer shouts. Bow quickly lights three more arrows and fires them to Adoras right side just as shadow Catra ducked under Adoras staff. The arrows land in a curve around Adora, the light forcing shadow Catra back to the left. Seeing this as her chance Glimmer reaches her torch out creating a wall to the left of the blonde and stopping dark Catra from escaping, Now making a smaller circle of light attached to the larger circle of fire pits. Without wasting a second, Adora swings her staff again this time striking at dark catras feet. This caused them to back up, a hiss of pain sounding as the light touched her tail and back. With another swing, the end of the staff lodged deep into the ground and while using her forward momentum, Adora swings herself around the staff and lands a kick to dark catras chest sending the feline into the center of the larger ring of light.  "AHH!"dark Catra writhes and curses in the light as her cloak of darkness retreats into Catra's body once more leaving the felines body lifeless but now appearing more herself only with scratches and burn marks from where the torch had grazed her hip.

On your own. No more pt 2 (catradora)Where stories live. Discover now