Dance till you drop

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The wardrobe, though very large, had few options that fit a certain feline's tastes in what she called fashion. The first few dresses Adora wrestled her into were entirely two frilly, sparkly And pink. Very pink. "I wouldn't be caught dead in this" Catra hissed before tripping over the long puffy dress and stumbling back behind the dressing screen. The lighting behind the screen showed off Catra's annoyed silhouette as she ripped the dress from her body. The sound of tearing fabric confirmed that at some point that dress would need amending.
Adora had already gotten dressed in a white and gold outfit that much complimented her She-ra alter ego/persona.

"Catra. Maybe there's something else you can wear. It's only for the party" Adora stood from her seat on the bench at the end of Catras bed while Catra paced and threw on a slimming silk white night gown that they had found in the wardrobe. It only came to Catras mid thigh. The spaghetti straps showing off her muscular collar and shoulders. "Ooo I like that dress on you. A bit showy if you ask me~" Adora said leaning against the wall as she stood eyeing Catras hind end. Only to have a small pillow thrown in her face.

"Adora. I can't wear this. Unless you want everyone else to see" Catra smirked while Adora rolled her eyes trying to avoid her gaze. "Point taken. Where'd you get that outfit for the princess prom? You. Looked good in it" The blonde admitted. Had their circumstances been different she probably would've admired her friend a bit more but everyone knew what happened at that party. Betrayal, mischief, mayhem with a dash of near death experiences. Ah yes. Such good times they had been. Just then Catra halted her pacing and grinned. "I may have stolen that suit from a fellow cadet. On an unrelated topic. Where is scorpias room?" Adora gives a puzzled look and pointed towards the door. "Two doors down on the right. Why?"

"Just follow me and keep watch" Catra said taking Adoras hand and leading her towards Scorpia's room. Luckily Scorpia was being kept busy with helping Perfuma with floral arrangements and keeping an eye on Frosta who insisted on adding spikes and mini ice sculptures of her new family to each centerpiece. "I love your creativity. Totally not knockin the style but could we maybe not exaggerate the claws and thorns? I just think they might be a lil. You know. Dangerous. But hey. You got a cool eye for centerpieces there kiddo" scorpia was losing the battle but eventually won the war and got her spikes reduced however her muscles only got larger. "Mmm. You know I'm ok with that. Up top!" And cue a claw and ice fist bumb.


"Catra what are you doing? Scorpia might come back. She probably won't be mad but still this is a bit invasive" Adora said over her shoulder while peeking out into the hallway. They were now in scorpias room. Catra was rummaging almost aimlessly about Scorpias belongings. Passing a few pictures of their first heist and a new picture of Scorpia who held Frosta on her shoulders with Perfuma hugging her free arm. They all seemed so happy compared to the one Catra was in.

"Relax Adora. I'll just be a minute. If I know Scorpia then she'll definitely have some of my old stuff" and just as Catra had suspected, there in a battered trunk was Catras few remaining belongings. Thank the universe for that woman's sentimental nature and need to collect and keep nearly everything as a keepsake. "She kept some of the clothes we stole together. The tux from princess prom and that old outfit I use to wear. It has a huge rip in the stomach. I don't know why she doesn't toss it..." Catra sat there looking at all of the items. They were few but to Scorpia they had once meant so much. Their being here must mean the giant of a woman still must feel for Catra. "I did so much wrong to her and she still kept this stuff..." Catra sighed picking out a few things before putting the trunk back where she had found it. Under the bed.

"Ok. Let's go"


Adora and Catra now stood infront of two insanely tall doors that seemed to have no limit. Possibly so since the ceiling was enchanted to look like the sky with fluffy pink and white clouds. "You ready?" Adora asked as she took Catras hand. A comfort they both needed and clung to. Catra, now dressed in a pair of black pants with a gold line on each side, a red button up collared shirt with the sleeves rolled half way and the white Jacket with golden shoulder pads that was suppose to be part of Adoras outfit, but Adora found that the feline had all but taken ownership of it. Not that she minded. Catra looked ravishing especially with her hair pulled up. "Promise to stay with me?" Catra asked. Her voice projected a false confidence in her question which Adora easily caught onto. "I promise" Adora smiled giving Catra's hand one more squeeze before going inside once they were formally announced.

On your own. No more pt 2 (catradora)Where stories live. Discover now