Sword without a shield (pt 1)

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This is gonna be a fun (and maybe a tad naughty. Fair 18+^ warning) continuation that's probably been done before but what the heck XD. I wanna get back into writing again so I figured I'd just add on to this classic to help refine my writing skills. If I were a sim I think my skill would be at about a four or five?.. maybe. Lol.

"A person without a sword is still a warrior, but  one with no shield is a target." -Robert low

Life has just been kicking my butt lately but I've finally gotten a few days to myself where I'm hoping to work on some old projects and add onto others. This one included. As always I'd love to hear your feedback on what you'd like to see in upcoming chapters. I'd like to put out at least three or four more this year. Maybe more if I get more down time.

Anyway, thank you to all my lovely followers and readers for your continued support!!

More to come)

It had been five months since the celebration of She-ra's return to Bright Moon with her reformed Feline counterpart and crew. Just as Queen Glimmer had said, the celebration lasted about three whole days with enough food, music and dance to make one sick just at the thought. Those were the happiest days the collective of princesses and citizens have ever had since the horde first arrived so many years ago. In all honesty Catra would've been content with the first day of festivities but it soon became apparent that Glimmer and Bow wanted to make sure their newest member of the squad got the full authentic party experience. Some people might even say that the clean up after the party was more strenuous than cleaning up the pieces of shrapnel from the Fall of horde primes massive ship and the couple hundred bots that had fallen from the sky. In any case the party was still a huge success that would surely leave them with memories that would last them a lifetime, or at least until the next celebration. Hopefully Catra would be able to remember any future events after the chaos she'd experienced during the party. At one point she and Seahawk had gotten into a rather heated drinking competition which ended in a game of black out drunken hide and go seek. Luckily all Adora and Mermista had to do was follow the sounds of regurgitation coming from the bushes. Catra would go on to spend the next few days curled up next to the toilet bowl hurling her guts at the mere mention of drinking. Needless to say she had sworn off the hard booze since and has now been sober a total of four months and three days. A massive record for a horde soldier who was given alcohol on a regular basis being that fresh water was not exactly available, any water they did have wasn't exactly safe to drink and was mostly used for brief shower periods.

For the five months that Catra was in Bright Moon, she and Adora spent a lot of time together. Once the party sickness had subsided and she was actually able to keep food down, The Boisterous Blonde was rather eager to show Catra around as an official welcomed member of their team which to them was more or less a family. Their found family. Her first tour through Bright Moon wasn't exactly a welcomed visit what with the tanks and all. However, this time there were no tanks, except the one that had been tossed into a tree by She-Ra and over taken by vines years ago. Adora had shown Catra every square inch of the forest even the "dungeon" which was just a spare room with many, MANY pillows inside.

Surprisingly over the months Catra found that her favorite spot to go to, when she wasn't being dragged on little missions to rebuild, find lost children and pets or tours through old first ones ruins, was the garden where she discover a certain unsuspecting plant growing in Perfuma's garden had some pretty interesting effects. A simple whiff of the plant would cause her pupils to grow and all her worries seemed to disappear as she rolled around in the grass for hours without a care in the world. "Catra? Catra Hello~ are you ok?" Came Adoras voice. Catra, who was laying half asleep sprawled out in the grass, opened her wide eyes to find a yellow blob speaking to her in Adoras voice "Catra what are you doing?" Adora asked as she looked down at the feline. "Heeey~ Adora. You've turned into the sun.. haha so hot~ and sooooo bright~ " Catra said in a dreamy voice as she reached up in an attempt to boop the blondes poofy hair "boop" she said letting her arm fall above her head to the grass where she then proceeded to make "grass angels" while Adora sat near her head watching her partners rare moment of adorableness with a small smile and laugh. "Catra~ come on. Bow has some new projects he's been wanting to show us. Besides, we could use an extra hand with the houses. There's still refugees who are in need of homes. We should help them sooner rather than later. It'll be winter before we know it." Adora said picking the grass then letting it fall on to her legs. It wasn't long before Catra had made herself comfortable on Adoras lap, purring as the blonde stroked her now messy hair. "Oh Adora~ just roll in the grass. It feels amaaaaazing~" Catra purred as she closed her eyes once more. Adora rolled her eyes playfully as she reached for the grass and took a piece to inspect, flipping it between her fingers, smelling it and even tasting it only to spit it out with a slightly disgusted expression on her face. "Thanks but nope not for me. Besides I think this is more you're thing. You seem to really like whatever this stuff is. Maybe I should put some in your pillow case to help you sleep." Adora said only to look down to find that Catra had already fallen asleep with her arms around her waist. "Just five more minutes.." Adora sighed but the smile on her face was unwavering as she continued to pick bits of grass from Catras hair while she combed her fingers through her locks in an attempt to detangle her hair. The task of trying to brush out catras hair had proven to be more of a struggle than she thought as the feline would often run away from her whenever she brought the brush out, at one point she had to use the power of She-Ra in order to tackle the slippery creature just to get the knots out that had formed while she was recuperating after the events of the party.

"Adora, what are you doing in my Nepeta cataria patch?" Came Perfumas voice from the shrubbery a few feet away. The slender woman had been visiting and tending to her garden when she noticed the couple sitting on the seemingly innocent spot of grass just beneath the shade of an orange tree. "Nepta what now?" Came Adoras confused response. "Oh. Uh is seems Catra really like this spot for some reason. I hope you don't mind." Adora explained reaching up to scratch her cheek. Perfuma knelt down to inspect the grass where Catra had been rolling. "Ooooh I see. Haha she must really like it. Guess they don't call it catnip for nothing~ maybe I'll make her a floral arrangement with Catnip in it. She seems to like to destroy the others I've sent her in her welcome baskets. I use this grass to keep pesky Miskitos and mites away from my flowers." Perfuma sat in the grass a few feet away as to give the couple some space then began meditating in the pristine sunlight. The breeze began to pick up after a few minutes of peaceful silence, listening to catras idle purrs and the sounds of the birds in the trees had been quite pleasant but there was still work to be done. As much as she wanted to stay like this to allow Catra a little bit more time to rest, she knew that if she and Catra didn't get moving now then they'd be putting those very important Bright Moon recovery efforts behind. With a slight sigh Adora gently nudged catras shoulder "hey Catra~ nap times over. Let's get a move on." She said in a gentle tone. Catra stirred in her sleep with a small mumble in protest. "But. Sleep feels good.." came catras sleepy response. "I know. We can sleep together in our comfy bed later. I promise. Now get up before I have frosta freeze your tail again~" Adoras teasing threat worked like a charm as Catra reluctantly got up, stretching her back with a yawn before standing up. "Keep that pipsqueek away from me... I still have frost bite from last time." She pouted as she offered her hand to Adora, helping the blonde to her feet. "Wow. This stuff even helps in waking you up. You're not as grouchy~" Adora smirked pinching Catras cheek lightly before taking her hand and leading her towards the path that would take them to the newly formed village. "Besides! how was I suppose to know she was serious about playing freeze tag?" Catra playfully shoved Adora aside before taking off down the trail, Adora laughed calling out for Catra to wait up.

On your own. No more pt 2 (catradora)Where stories live. Discover now