Blip in the Blackout zone

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Wondering about in the Outter regions of the scattered princess kingdoms, A horde of Robots followed their creator in a cloud of dust. The madly brilliant scientist, Entrapta, stared at her screen. By her side and riding upon a robot that looked similar to Emily, sat The former horde leader hordak, holding in his hands high above his head a strange entente of the scientists own design. "There's a gotta be some first ones tech out here Hordak. I can feel it! Just imagine what could be lying just under the sand dunes!" The scientists says glancing to her partner who only looked at her with a sort of worried admiration. "I'm sure there are first ones tech out here but don't you think digging up the entire desert is a bit over kill for a piece of machinery that's possibly beyond repair?" Hordak says logically. They had been wondering aimlessly for weeks since Hordaks banishment/trial. "Nothing goes to far for science Hordak. Besides if you're tired of the desert then we cal always try the oceans!! I'm eager to to try out my sub-Aquatic Containment mobile. Did you know that we've only discovered two percent of Etheria's oceans. We could be under water for year~ and still find only a very small portion of the oceans varying life forms. Maybe we'll even grow gills and adapt to the crushing pressures of the oceans depth" Entrapta's growing excitement and high pitch of voice made Hordak's ears ring but in all honesty her ranting and spewing of random facts was quite calming and fascinating to watch. Every new discovery lit a fire of wonder and pure joy upon the scientists face and Hordak simply loved it. It was something he could never bore of. Though some might see this as a sick form of torture. However the only torture Hordak felt was the pain of his aching arms as it held the ententes up. "In that case, I believe the Desert of a fine place to start... easier to travel. The only danger being the sun and a few predators" Hordak says as he looked ahead trying to ignore his aching limbs.

Even though Entrapta was seen as a crazed workaholic who's only interested was tech, there was only one other thing that could distract her from her precious scientific discoveries. That thing being a rather tall and lanky Alien who shared her interests. "Everyone stop!" The scientists called out. And on command the cloud of robots halted nearly sending the two into the sand mounds but luckily they had grown skilled in balancing themselves upon their metal steeds. "Have we found something?" Hordak asks as he joins Entrapta on the ground as she climbed down from Emily, giving her a small pat. "Hordak. You can put your arms down." This caught the taller alien off guard. Usually he would hold up the entente until they had found something but here he watched as the tablet that was usually glued to Entrapta's hands, set aside. "Sadly no. But you should rest your arms. Here give me the Entente's. I need to make some adjustments..." Hordak raised a brow as he hands the device over and sat down in the sand that had been shaded by their trusty robots.

A few minutes later~~

Hordak sat with his legs crossed, His eyes had closed in a sort of meditative trance. That was until he felt something being placed on his head. "Here, I modified the device and made the Entente longer." Entrapta stepped back to admire her handy work. Now sitting upon her partner's head was a helmet with two long mental rods sticking out of it. "Uh... thank you, Entrapta. But what is this for exactly?" The taller asked. Entrapta felt a sort of heat rising to her cheeks and a small queazy feeling that some of the others referred to as butterflies in her stomach. "Well. I noticed that your arms looked fatigued so I made you this helmet. That way it frees your arms up to do other things like mapping or tuning up Emily or patty or-" Feeling a metallic nudge to her shoulder, Entrapta turned towards Emily and smiled "what is it Emily?" She asked. The robots marched in place excitedly and leaned down to show her Creator the beeping Pad that had been on her head. Taking the pad, the scientist looked at the strange flashing light. Her face suddenly brightened with exhilaration as she grabbed Hordaks shoulder. "We've got something!! We've got a signal!! And it's coming from!-" Entrapta stopped and turned her pad to the side to get a better look. Part of her screen going staticky. Hordak leans in to peek over his partners shoulder and narrowed his eyes. "The blackout zone..." he stated what the scientists hadn't. "T-that can't be right... there's never been a signal in the Blackout zone. Infact. There's never been any sort of machine found there ever. This is... FANTASTIC!!!" Entrapta erupted in pure excitement as she jumped up and down holding the pad up in the air and twirling around like a little girl receiving a kitten for her birthday. Then a thought popped into her mind. A though they both remember as their eyes met. Entrapta's gaze looked more saddened now. This pulled at Hordaks squishy inners. He hated seeing his partner with any negative expression. "Robots won't work in the blackout zone. We'll have to continue on foot. There should be a village not far from here where we can acquire some horses, maybe a wagon and supplies" Hordak states as he stood up.

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