Sword without a Shield (pt. 2. 18+ warning)

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The trail that connected the Brightmoon castle grounds to the village was a twisted trail that seemed more or less like a roller coaster as Bow had explained. It was a thrill to run through the paths and passage ways, especially when running on all fours gave you that extra boost of speed adding to the exhilarating experience. "Catra! Wait up!" Came Adoras voice from behind the speedy feline. Adora had nearly caught up to Catra when it seemed she was slowing down only for the brunette to stick her tongue out at her teasingly then bumping the blondes legs knocking her into the bushes with a yelp. Once on her feet again Adora caught a glimpse of the felines brown tail disappearing behind the trees just ahead as she hastened her pace, zooming around the corner. When Adora rounded the corner she expected to find Catra right there, she had been so close but what she found was nothing but a dust cloud. Adora coughed as she tried to wave away the dust causing her to cough a bit "Catra? Quit playing around. We're late already. Catra!" Adora called between fits of coughing. When her coughing subsided Adora noticed that the forest around her was serine with the sounds of  nature at peace. Just ahead she could hear the lively villagers playing music to pass the time while others banged wooden planks into place with hammers. The blonde took a few more steps toward the entrance of the village thinking for a moment that she'd find Catra there but found only the refugees who spotted her before she could duck out of sight. "Look. It's Adora!", "Do the She-Ra!", "Oh She-Ra you're here to help!" We're the greetings she had received before being pulled along into the village center where the small crowd had gathered to see the Blonde and watch her transform. "Uh. Yeah I'm here to help but first has anyone seen a little brown haired magi-cat run through here by chance? She sorta got away from me on my way here." The blonde was disappointed when the villagers shook their heads muttering "nope, Haven't seen her." In muddled unison. Adora sighed "figures. She always hated working and chores.".

For the rest of the afternoon Adora and the other volunteering princesses helped assemble three small houses, cleared trees and rocks to place the community garden and set posts around the outer edge of the village where spell casters enchanted the fence with a protective shield so that no enemy with Ill intentions could find them just as they had done during their hiding period during the battle with Horde Prime. "Good work today everybody!" Glimmer clapped from her perch atop of one of the newly built houses before teleporting to the ground with the rest of the cheerful villagers. The young queen had shown up shortly after Adora who made a point in questioning the young Royal as to why she was skipping her meetings that were scheduled for the day. It became a bit of a bad habit for Queen Glimmer to suddenly vanish from meetings she found tedious, besides who could stop her, she was the queen after all, That and she had the advantage of being able pop in and out at will leaving nothing but a shimmering cloud in her stead. Most of her meetings were attended to by her trusted advisers who would write up basic summaries detailing the issues and events that had been discussed. On occasion Bow would often fill in for her when he wasn't working on one of his new projects. This system seemed to be working at first but eventually Glimmer found herself drowning in a pile of meeting summary reports that needed her official seal of approval. "It feels sooo good to be out and about again. I swear I've got more paper cuts than I can count." Glimmer sighed while walking along side Adora as they headed back. "You know there wouldn't Beas much paperwork involved if you'd just attend the meetings yourself." Adora noted making a valid point to which Glimmer ignored, instead the young Queen took a look around as if searching for something. "Yeah yeah. But hey where's Catra? I thought you said she'd be helping us today. I haven't seen her once all afternoon." Glimmer crossed her arms having successfully turned the topic of conversation back on the taller woman. The blonde let out a slight laugh while scratching her cheek hoping to avoid Glimmers gaze by looking to the trees and literally anywhere else. "Well. Catras not big on physical labor. Plus I think she had a headache or something. But I'm sure she'll show up for Bows presentation. She always gets a kick out of messing with all the new stuff." Adora said hoping Glimmer would accept her lie as truth. "She better be there. But don't let her touch anything! Bow was so upset when she broke his last invention" Glimmer warned. "Well. I'm pretty sure it was just a paper clip" Adora defended with a small laugh. "Either way Bow still needed that paperclip to hold that piece together. As soon as she removed it everything fell apart!" Glimmer reminded.

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