Waking up in familiar arms

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Light peered into the small holes that scattered the roof of the ship like stars in the night sky, giving some natural lighting to the sleeping passengers to awake to instead of darkness. Luminescent plants basked in the rays of light that they were purposefully placed in. the rays of light would give the plants the necessary amount of sunlight to later provide the energy they needed to produce their own bioluminescent light when night came. Pale blue eyes slowly fluttered open as a stray ray of light was cast upon her face. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust before a small panic set at the unfamiliar room she found herself in. But as she sat up and looked around memories began to flash in her mind of yesterday's events. The wreck, the glowing forest and the beast that attacked them. The more her memory pieced it's self together the calmer she got then she suddenly remembered the figure that had saved them. The blonde glanced down at her feet upon hearing a soft snore and a small purr, A familiar sound she would often awake to back in her days in the Horde. But the person she expected to see wasn't there. Then she heard it again but this time to her right, looking down Adora found the feline. Curled up with her arm and leg draped over Adoras body. A small smile formed on the blondes lips at the sight of the sleeping feline beside her who's ears twitched every so often from her dreams running wild behind her eyelids. Adora carefully laid back down, her eyes glued to the felines sleeping features. Watching her facial expressions as she scrunched her nose up and made soft whimper like noises, A nightmare, Adora assumed. Her hand developing a mind of its own as it raises to the felines cheek hovering for a moment before she allowed her fingertips to gently run through the girls hair soothingly. The motion worked as she watched the felines features soften and a light purr began to hum within the felines chest. The moment was nice and quiet. The only sounds were that of the sleeping felines breaths as well as the distant snoring of her other two friends. Bow and Glimmer laid sprawled out over a pile that was their makeshift bed snoring away without care. As she watched her friends sleep, Adora almost forgot where they were. They were on the only place in Etheria where no person has ever been and lived to tell about it. Sure there was beast island, the island that literally fed off the poor souls that were stranded there but this black out zone was uncharted territory. Who knew what Unknown dangers lay beyond this ship. They knew of the Glowing forest and that the trench they were in was capable of sustaining life, But beyond the trench was miles of nothing but desert and mountains more of sand. They couldn't possibly make a trip so far carrying their own supplies. She knew all too well that their supplies would run out before they'd even make it a quarter of the way to any sort of civilization. Before her mind got too dark a stirring brought her back to reality, Catra moved in her sleep and slowly began to wake noticing a warmth on her head. When her duel eyes opened, Catra found that there was a hand on her head gently stroking her hair but what had her eyes going wide in shock was the person to whom the hand belonged. "Prrt... uh-Adora?.." the feline questioned as a small confused noise left her sounding like a cat who had just been awoken. The blonde looked down at the feline with a similar surprised face but her features softened, not pulling her hand away Adora gently scratched behind Catra's ears eliciting another purr from the feline, watching her move against her hand before pulling away with a light blush on her cheeks. "Good Morning.." Adora said with a smile, Catra looks at the blonde before looking away and soon standing up. "M-.. morning.." Catra replied as she combed through her tussled hair trying to smooth it down. As she did she briefly remembered the feeling of Adora's fingers through her hair. "Sorry if I woke you.. but you looked so... comfortable" Adora mentioned as she pulled her knees to her chest watching the feline as she moved some plants around so that they were in the rays of the sun. Tilting her head Adora rests her chin on her knees. "H-how did you sleep?.." the blonde asked after getting no response. Catras ears shifted towards the sound of Adoras voice. Listening to her words and trying to remember the dream she was having. "... I. Slept surprisingly..well... considering you're friends with possibly the noisiest sleepers on Etheria" the feline says glancing over at the messy duo. "I heard Glitter rummaging through my supplies last night. Don't worry. All my weapons were destroyed in the crash." Adora would be lying if she said she didn't hear a thing. In fact she heard everything. In the middle of the night she heard Glimmer moving around and going through all of catras items suspiciously. Even though Catra and Glimmer were prisoners together on this ship and the young queen claiming to trust Catra. She couldn't help her suspicions but the queen found nothing that was of any threat. Only jars full of glowing gel and old ration bars. "Yeah. I'm sorry about that" Adora said as she glanced down at her feet then back to the feline. "When I woke up. You looked like you were having a nightmare.. that's why I.. you know.." she said blushing slightly. Catra bit her lip as she remembered the dream she was having. "I have the same dream almost every night that I sleep. Hence the reason I don't sleep.." she said as she went over to what looked like a chest, kneeling down Catra opened the chest and rummaged through it for something. When she found what she was searching for the feline shut the chest and walked back to the bed where Adora sat. "Here.. it's not much of any good compared to the food you're probably use to now. But I don't think you guys are anything before passing out" in her hand Catra had a ration bar which she held out to the blonde. "The grey kind.. they're better than the green" the blonde smiled softly as she took the ration bar and began eating small pieces. The bitter taste being a wake up call from the past as she coughed a little. "Haha. Welcome to my life princess" Catra teased as she sat down. Adora smiled as she spotted the faintest smile on the felines lips. "It's been a while. But honestly they get better with age" she joked making the feline laugh again. She hadn't seen the feline smile or laugh genuinely in what felt like years.
"Even the rats refused to eat those things. Instead they like that stocking spicy taste of chewed wires" the feline adds. The two laughed softly between each other for a bit before a long groan caught their attention. "Oooo my baaaack. I'm dyiiing" Glimmer complained as she sat up. Bow soon awoke holding his arm. "It's like puns and needles!!" He cried in a high pitched voice as he shook his limp limb that had fallen asleep. "Well I thought you guys slept pretty good considering your snoring and wild tossing and turning" Catra smirks Adora lightly bumped the felines shoulder but couldn't hide her smile as she looked to her friends. "Morning Bow. Morning Glimmer" the blonde greeted with a small hand wave. "Morning Adora~" Glimmer yawned as she rubbed her back and eyes. Bow, regaining some feeling in his hand, smiled meekly and attempted to wave. "Mornin!" The Archer said as he stood up and stretched glimmer doing the same. "How can you sleep on something so uncomfortable and lumpy" the young queen complained earning an eye roll from the feline. "Adapt and survive princess. At least you had cushioning." The feline said as she laid back in her makeshift bed. Glimmer narrowed her eyes but then sighed remembering that Adora had once told her of the sleeping conditions in the horde. As they went about their stretching and such bows stomach growled loudly. "Uh. You wouldn't happen to have any food around would you?" The Archer asked with an embarrassed smile. Catra peeked an eye open to look up at the boy and sighed pointing over to the chest. "Five course meals are in there. Try the grey stuff. It's delicious.." the feline says with a small toothy smirk. Adora rolled her eyes giving Catra an "are you serious" look before getting up. "Let me find you something" the blonde said as she went over to the chest just as Catra had done. Inside she foun the last two ration bars on board the ship and bit her lip as she took them out and handed one to each of her two friends. "Catra.. there's not enough for everyone.. what will you eat?" Adora asks turning to the feline with a concerned look. Catra sat up and scratched her head but her face wasn't as worried as Adoras was. "I'll be fine.. I'll go hunting down by the river. There's plenty of fish in there" she says before standing up. Behind Adora, Bow and Glimmer were trying their first bite of five star Horde protein bars. Their faces were enough to cause an uproar of laughter from the feline who completely forgot about her own stomach for the moment, instead she watched as Bow and Glimmer gagged on a mix of ration bar and what she assumed was the remains of their meals from the yesterday. But not wanting to be rude or waste the ration bars, the duo chocked down the foul tasting Ration bars and put on their bravest face as they finished. "T-thank. You." Bow chokes out while Glimmer simply nods and gave a thumbs up. Adora was still worried about Catra not being able to eat like the rest but raised a brow at the mention of fish in the near by river. "Wait. There's fish?" But Catra didn't pay Adora any mind as she went over to her bag and cloak. "Well I'm heading out. Maybe Arrow can figure out a way to get the ship up and running" Catra says before heading down the hall towards the door. "It's Bow.. and she's right. Maybe I can figure out a way to fix the ship maybe even convert it from an electric based motor to an Aquatic based that still held the same power and charge" Bow says as he began looking around for tools and anything useful. Glimmer was trying to scrape off her tongue the moment Catra left the ship. "I'll help Bow but maybe you can go down and collect some water. You know to get the taste out of our mouths" Glimmer suggested with an ill smile. Adora laughed at her dramatic friend before grabbing a few canteens. "Haha. Ok. I'll be back as soon as I can with that water. Maybe I can talk Catra into leading us back to our ship to gather parts" Adora said before waving a short goodbye to her friends.

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