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Blackout zone:

It was early morning. The sun barley peeking over the walls of the Trench as the large metal door of the crashed ship began to lower. "Goooood morning Black out zone~" said the rather chipper young inventor. "Today's the day we start our journey home. Just gotta get the Machine into the water and fire it up with some good old fashioned pedal power!" Bow said pumping his fist into the air.

Meanwhile, Glimmer was coming up from behind with a yawn and stretch, it was clear that her upbringing of sleeping on cloud like mattresses hadn't quite prepared her for sleeping on lumpy piles of randomly assorted pieces of cloth covered junk. Needless to say she was ready to sleep on an actual bed. Glimmer grabbed her lower back and pushed it forward arching her back before doing a little twist to crack her spine.  Mid-yawn glimmer raised a brow while giving Bow a quizzical look. "Wait pedal power? Bow what exactly did we just spend two weeks building? A bicycle??" She asked giving him a look that screamed annoyance and exhaustion.

"You'll see soon enough Glimmer and it's going to be awesome, trust me." The Archer said as he smiled at his friend. Walking to the edge of the ships metal ramp and beginning to climb down the fallen tree ramp, Bow turned to offer his hand to glimmer who grumpily accepted it and followed him down the steep wall of the trench towards the machine. It was roughly the size of the hover ship they had driven and crashed on. It even looked some what similar to the vessel but on the back of it was a strange wooden wheel with cup like indents on it. "We're gonna drag the machine to the water and push the back half in. Then someone's gonna sit here and here..." Bow began explaining to a sleep deprived glimmer while pointing to parts of the machine that looked like half a bicycle with a seat and handles. "..And pedal. Then if everything works out, Which it will. We will be able to create an electric charge that will charge my tracker pad enough to send out an S.O.S signal" once Bow was finished explaining his work of art. Glimmer sighed pinching the bridge of her nose, a moment of silence passing before Glimmer peered up at her enthusiastic friend. "So... you built a hydroelectric Tracker pad charger. To send out a signal.. from the black out zone. Thousands of Miles away from the nearest civilization.. you do realize that no signal can enter or leave Black out zones right?" Glimmer said looking to Bow who began scratching his head in thought then turned to his shorter purple haired friend with a smile. "Well. I know this will work. Because we have the power of friendship! And She-Ra" Bow said smiling "Bow.. the sword was destroyed remember.. and we don't know for sure if Adora can become She-Ra again. How are we possibly going to get this to work without her?" Glimmer said letting out a sad sigh at the thought. She remembered how discouraged Adora felt when they regrouped after everything and told them about the sword, Losing the connection to She-Ra. Now all Adora had left was the Rune stone, which they had made into a necklace for their friend. "Glimmer. Have faith in your friends. We believe in you no matter what. You're Queen Glimmer. Brave, smart and caring. Adora and I support you" Bow said taking Glimmers hand. Glimmer stared at Bow for a moment before giving him a smile. "Ok Bow. I believe in you. And Adora." Glimmer said earning a smile From Bow. But their smiles soon dropped as they turned towards the ship. A loud Scream having captured their attention. "ADORA!!" With that they began to scramble up the side of the trench towards their friend.

Back on the ship:

Rushed footsteps race through the small hallway towards the source of the scream. "Adora?! What's going on?" Glimmer asked, panic in her voice as she raced towards the blonde but stopped upon seeing the Blonde on her knees holding Catra or what was left of Feline. "What's happing to her?" Bow then asked as he joined them, now hunched over trying to catch his breath from the climb up the trench. "I-I don't know. I woke up to her whimpering and clawing at my arm and I saw..." Adora tried to explain as she held Catra in her arms. Struggling to keep her still. The right half of the felines body was covered in a dark mass that seemed to be growing. Adora narrowed her brow as she studied the growing dark mass "She's having a nightmare and I can't wake her up. But this... I've seen this before. When the portal made things all weird and nearly destroyed the universe." Glimmer watched as Catras body squirmed in apparent agony, Sweat pouring down her face as she struggled with this growing dark mass.

On your own. No more pt 2 (catradora)Where stories live. Discover now