Sauna Ship

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Just as Catra had predicted, the temperature inside the ship had began to climb, growing hotter by the minute. Sweat began to seep from the pores of the archer as he studied the frayed and split wires in his hand. "These wires are fried.. but these over here are a little worse for ware, but I think I might be able to use these to make new wires.." the marksman said as he wiped a surprising amount of sweat from his forehead. Glimmer, who sat beside him holding a few tools, sighed as she too was experiencing the hot flash that was steadily growing worse. "Rrrrr- WHY IS IT SO HOT IN HERE!?! I'm literally meltiiiiing~" the young Queen groaned as she stood above her friend holding up a glowing orb to provide some light in the areas where it was dark. Bow tried fanning himself with his hands but it seemed to only make it worse as hot air flushed over his face. "This ship was made for the icy vacuum of space. Not the desert" bow reasoned as he placed his hand on the metal wall but quickly pulled his hand away with a yelp. "AHH!! Hot! hot!!" Bow exclaimed as he stumbled away from the wall. "That's it!! Repairing the ship is gonna have to wait. Let's get out of here before we're toasted alive" Glimmer said taking Bows arm and dragging him down the hazy hallway till they reached the door. "I feel like a roast turkey In here." Bow complained as he climbed down the Searing hot ramp and onto the Fallen tree. Glimmer followed after hissing at the hot temperature of the ramp against her skin as she slid down onto the tree trunk. Being in the direct sunlight wasn't much better. "Oooh it's even hotter out here" Bow complained as he wiped more sweat from his face. "Look, There's Adora. And water!! COOL REFRESHING WATER!!" Glimmer points out with an eager smile. With that said the two frantically stumbled down the Side of the trench heading towards their blonde friend who stood knee deep in the flowing river below. "ADORAHHH!!" Glimmer called out as she ran. "AH!! THE WIND BURNS!! IT. BURNSSS!!!!" Bow cried.

Pale blue eyes turned towards the commotion and widen upon seeing the figures of her two friends running down from the ship... just as Catra had predicted. Shaking her head in amusement and slight disbelief. Adora watched as within seconds of leaving the ship, Bow and Glimmer began practically racing towards their blonde friend nearly tackling Catra who scurried out of the way upon seeing the two racing towards the poor girl, soon coming to a screeching halt only feet away from the water. Both Glimmer and Bow were now stood bent over panting with steam coming off their backs from the suns rays evaporating the beads of sweat on their skin. "It Got. So- HOT!!" Bow pants. Adora couldn't help but laugh as she watched them. "Well come on in the waters great" Adora said as she playfully splashed water at her two friends earning surprised yelps then 'ahhs' of relief as they felt the cool droplets meet their skin. Giving each other a glance, Bow and Glimmer began to kick off their shoes and clothing until they were in their underwear not caring who saw them before jumping into the river with big splashes. Luckily this spot they were in was shadowed over by the large mountain on the other side of the trench but the heat was still very much around them making the water feel more than refreshing on their skin.


From the river bank, Multicolored eyes watched as the Trio cooled off in the river while playfully splashing each other with water and pretending to be monsters as they chased each other around in a weird game. Catra tried to take note on the rules of the game but found it rather confusing. She watched as One person would close their eyes and wonder around aimlessly while yelling some guys name while the other two swam away yelling a different guys name. To the feline the game was pointless and dumb.

After a while Adora came to the bank of the water huffing for breath as she smiled happily, having apparently won the weird game they had been playing. Shaking off some water droplets from her hands, Adora ran her fingers through her wet hair, Smoothing it back and out of her face as she stepped out of the water. Catra studied the blonde as she walked up to her, her eyes watching as water droplets ran down Adoras body falling into her cleavage or soaking into her soaking wet underwear. "Hey Catra. You're not gonna join us? The water feels great" the blonde says catching the feline off guard. Catra suddenly looks away, a different heat rising to her cheeks. "I'm fine... All your splashing around scared away the fish so I can't really hunt" Catra sighed hugging her knees to her chest, her tail curling around her feet as she tried to settle her heart which was racing for some odd reason. Raising a brow as she sat down beside Catra, Adora let out a slight laugh " I didn't mean to catch fish. I meant to have fun. See. Fun" Adora says as she points to her two friends who were splashing each other in playful competition, trying to create the biggest wave. Catra watched as the two romped around in the water and glared slightly, Her ear twitching at the noise they were making. "Fun... do you think I'm even capable of having fun without disaster? Beside I don't think they'd want to be in water with me again. Haha. They kidnapped me that one. Id say that was pretty fun... But you know what was really fun?... when we were little and we'd get onto all sorts of trouble" Catra says causing the blonde to look at her with a slight confused look before a smile appeared on her face. "Yeah. Remember the pranks we use to play? Haha the older soldiers would get so mad and chase us around the halls" At the memory of their antics a smile formed on the felines face showing off her one fang as she laughed. "Or climbing into the pipes. Haha you were terrible at that" Catra says earning a shoulder bump and a laugh from the blonde. Laying back with her arms behind her head, Adora stared up at the sky finding an assortment of clouds high above them. "Hey Catra. Remember when we would go up to the roof and look at the smog clouds.." Adora says catching catras attention after a short pause. "Yeah, it smelled terrible and burned our eyes.. what about it?" The feline asks glancing down at the blonde with a raised brow. "Lay down and look up" Adora says as she pats the space between them wanting the feline to lay beside her. Catra groaned Rolling her duel colored eyes before she laid beside Her blonde friend hoping to appease her strange request. With her eyes closed the feline took in a breath before opening them. What she saw was a large canvas of different blues fading into each other and.. Clouds. Pure white clouds with no trace of black or green smog. Adora watched Catras amazed facial expressions with a soft laugh, 'she makes the cutest faces for someone who nearly destroyed the world' the blonde thought before turning to face the sky. They laid there for a moment before Adora tapped Catras shoulder and points towards the sky. "See that cloud. It looks like a turtleduck". Catra glanced to her side watching Adora before looking to where her finger was pointing. "Haha looks more like a tank to me.." Catra says with a smirking before pointing to a different cloud. "Look at that one. It looks like a skull eating a snake" the feline says while smiling. Adora gave a slight grimacing smile at the dark figures the feline was seeing until she spotted a cloud just above them. "See those three. When they come together It kinda looks like a cat!" Adora laughs and to her surprise Catra began to laugh too. "Yeah it does. And look. It's the sword of she-ra over there" Catra points out to a long sword shaped cloud while making a funny heroic voice. "It almost looks like they might collide.." Adora points out.

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