Here goes nothin

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The ring of fire built to keep the dark entity of dark Catra out, now kept the squad of sleeping Teens who lay in the center safe and warm. The flames died down until only fading embers and ash piles remained to great the early rays of first light peering over the high walls of the trench. Bow laying with the Head of the young Queen on his chest along with her hand which rose and fell with each breath the archer took. Beside them lay Adora, who had slept very little that night for Cradled in her lap and arms, Catra slept. So soundly. The blonde fought the pull of her weary eyes to keep watch over the feline and her two friends. She didn't want anything to happen to them. She didn't want Catra to wake and run off again. Loosing her childhood friend again and again was something Adora didn't think she could handle again, her heart couldn't handle that loss knowing it would be the last. The events of last night, holding catras lifeless body in her arms would serve the blonde as a reminder that the next time, there would be no miracle to bring her love back. Even just the memory alone brought tears to sting at Adoras pale blue eyes.

"Adora?..." came a familiar voice. Suddenly remembering the warmth in her lap as it shifted and moved. "I'm here Catra.." Adora says as she quickly wiped the tears from her eyes in time to look down. Catra, who had slept nuzzling into Adoras chest with the familiar scent there to calm her, turned her head and slowly opened her eyes to find Adora looking down at her. The image infront of her was so beautiful. The rays of sunlight shining behind her makeing a sort of hue of light, an angelic image indeed. The few stars and colorful morning sky adding to this beautiful waking image. A small groggy noise left Catra as she tried to sit up more but found her body still too weak at the moment. "Just rest. I've got you" Adora says softly. Her hand moving to brush catras hair away from her face. She looked so fragile. Closing her eyes as the warm palm rests on her cheek, Catra let out a small yawn before looking back at Adora. She wanted to protest but sleep quickly over took her.

Near by came the stirring of two more waking bodies as Glimmer woke to find herself sleeping on Bows chest. She almost didn't wish to move but found herself in desperate need to stretch. The hard ground not nearly what she was use to even with her warm Bow pillow. But luckily for her she didn't need to be cautious as she moved since The archer too stirred from his sleep with the same whine of discomfort as they both sat up, Glimmer helping Bow up of course since she had been sleeping on him. "Morning already?" Now said with a yawn, stretching his arms up and to the sides to try and smooth his back. "I had the weirdest dream. We were fighting this shadow thing. Then an angel appeared in a ring of fire then..." Bow rambled before taking in his surroundings. "That wasn't a dream Bow.. that all really happened. And I really did see my.." Glimmer said as she stood stretching only to slowly stop as she remembered. "Mom" Glimmer finally said as she looked towards Adora and Catra. To all of them the events of last night seemed like a strange dream, but The debris, footprints, and claw marks in the dirt around them proved that it wasn't their minds playing some strange trick that they each witnessed. It had all happened. The evidence even lay in Adoras lap.

Standing up and dusting himself off, Bow walked over to Glimmer and pulled her into a big hug. "Angella was and still is proud of you Glimmer." Bow assures. Glimmer sighed and hugged Bow, gripping the back of his shirt for a moment before looking up at him with a smile. "At least I got to see her one more time. And now I know that she's still with us. Watching over us... protecting us" Bow nods with a smile. "She's always with us Glimmer. And hopefully she'll be here to witness as yours truly fires up the machine!! We're gonna use it to generate power to send out a signal through my tractor pad. And Boom! We're on our way home!!" Bow says with excitement. "Hopefully it didn't go boom.." Glimmer says to herself as she turns to face Adoras direction. Bow on the other hand eagerly rushed over to the machine to do some last minute adjustments.

"Ahem.." Adora blinked as a shadow casts over her view of catras sleeping features. Her eyes wide for a moment, not another shadow creature, she thought as she turned her head only to sigh in relief upon seeing That it was only Glimmer "whoa. You scared me. I thought another one of those thi-" Adora began but stopped as she saw the scowl on Glimmers knowing face. "Adora. Did you stay up all night?!" Glimmer asked with her hands on her hips already knowing the answer. "Whaaat? No. Don't be silly. I slept plenty" Adora tried to assure. As she had done in the past but the bags under her blue eyes were a dead giveaway that she was lying and had infact stayed up the entire night. "Only closing one eye at a time does not count as sleep!" Glimmer scolds. Goodness did she sound like her mother...

On your own. No more pt 2 (catradora)Where stories live. Discover now