621 40 29

TW: Death by Murder

Megan lays down on my lap. I run my hand up and down her exposed arm as she sleeps on me. Her weight on me is the only thing stopping me from pacing the room.

I just haven't been able to sleep. It's two in the morning but I keep anticipating something. It's been a sport keeping my eyes open. I just keep waiting for my damn phone to ring.

Helluva boss plays on the TV while she sleeps. Vulgar language and content coming from the speakers.

Megan shifts a bit and pulls the blanket up to her shoulders.

I'd kill and go to prison for life if it meant she was safe. I don't care how whipped that makes me sound.

Eventually, I get the urge to get up.

I shake Megan lightly, so she can shift her position, "Princess, move a bit, please?"

She nods and lays to my side, her back turned to me. I grab my gun, slap on my sneakers, and a coat. It's October in Georgia, the chill is hitting us Texans hard.

I bring the hood over my head as I make my way down the stairs of my house and out the front door. My house here is located in the upper class, white neighborhoods where architects or engineers that are child free by choice tend to move. The homes are big and the neighborhoods are quiet. I close the door as gently as possible and sit on my back porch, looking around.

It's enough to reassure me, but something still isn't right. I scan over again and I see a figure scurry past my flower garden. Everything in me sinks and I get a hold of my gun. I can only hear my pulse right in my eardrum. Pounding suspenseful as fuck.

It passes again and I pull the gun out, holding it in front of me lowly. I'm not so quick to aim and shoot because I'm not tryna catch a case for accidentally killing someone's $5,000 purebred dog.

It passes by again but stays in it's spot.

"Who's there?"

The more I squint, the more I distinguish it's a person. A bigger person. A man.

The lights along the fence come on and I can see their clothing.

"Who are you?"

I raise the gun so they can decide to whether or not their suicidal enough to try me. The person pauses and unmasks themself.


Everything in me drops and my arms are shaky holding the gun up to him. Nigga's in his jumpsuit. Don't tell me he escaped prison.

"The fuck are you doing here?" I ask/demand an answer. "How you find me?"

"Beyoncé, you have a successful business."

It feels disgusting to have him refer to me.

"Get away!" I yell.

I remember that I have security cameras and my home is private property. If he makes me, I might be able to slide out of jail. At least I hope he doesn't bring that out of me.


"You knew that I was here at this exact moment. How?" I yell out.

I don't dare leave my front porch.

I'm filled with such rage.


"Shut the fuck up, I ask the questions. Why are you here?"

"I um..."

A silenced gunshot comes from one of my bushes, it lands into my flowers.

He brought "Wallace" too, I can only assume.

"Jonathan, stop." Shawn calls into the woods and waves the gunman out.

It's in fact "Wallace", only, the closer he stands to Shawn, the more things are pieced together. They must be related in some way. Same nose, dumb stare...

"The fuck do y'all want?" I scan the gun over the both of them. "Put that damn gun down."

Jonathan throws the gun to the ground and raises his hands.

"Why y'all niggas on my property? What you want from me? This shit is harassment."

"Look, it's about Megan..."

Everything in me sees red.

"What about her concerns you? You broke her arm... ion trust you with her."

"What's your concern with her?" Shawn asks as if he's done something. "Just let me speak to her."

"You ain't got shit to do with her, leave now. This is private property and I am not gonna hesitate to shoot in self defense."

"Get out of this, this is between me and my girlfriend, not you Beyoncé."

It fuels my anger.

I scoff, "She's not your girlfriend, get off my property!"

Jonathan is swift in pulling out a knife from his pants and I shoot him close to the chest. Thankfully my silencer was on, but he hit the ground harshly, regardless. Shawn goes flush and looks back and forth between us with wide eyes.

"Look, Bey I wanna just talk with you, like when we were kids..."

Nope, he burned that bridge ages ago.

"No, get off to my property. I'm callin' the police to get your ass picked up and returned to prison."

He gets suddenly gets closer and I put one in his head. I freeze for a second before scrambling to check for pulses.

Both of them are gone. While I hate Shawn with everything, he was like a brother to me until he killed Matthew. When I get up close to him, I shiver. It feels worse than when I Matthew didn't wake up from the dead.

I get scared and run to call Julius, and he contacts local police, they arrive without sirens and I get taken to questioning. I give Julius orders to distract Megan and not tell her a thing until I'm ready. I want the story from me. It feels like ass to keep her in the dark, but I know I'm coming out of this okay.

My priority from now on is Megan and my family.

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