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Beyoncé wasn't in bed when I woke up. And when I got back to bed she wasn't back home. That's how the routine has been for the past month.

I wanna believe she's working, but I'm not sure. I just don't think it's fair to jump to conclusions especially with the things Beyoncé has been dealing with. She could just be stuck in traffic.

Tonight though, I decided to stay awake an hour or so longer so I can at least give her a "Goodnight" and a kiss.

She's just in time when the front door opens. I sit up in bed as I hear ruffling and she opens the door, trying to quietly creep in.

"Princess, you awake?"

"Yeah." I answer. "Waitin' on you."

I turn on the bedside lamp so she can see better. She's undoing her pantsuit, and leans down to kiss me.

"Sexy ass." I smack her ass while she's close enough.

"Damn, so rough." She starts to get in the bed in her underwear and sports bra.

The closer she gets the more I understand. My Bey's got bags under her eyes.

"Where was you at all day?" I ask.


"Whatchu do at work?"

"Sit around at meetings. I'm basically security but more involved if that makes sense. Like an apprentice." She lays on her stomach next to me and snuggles in the sheets. "Why?"


For a second I feel shitty for assuming she was doing something wrong. I know she wanted a job where she fit in and belonged better and I know she wouldn't have taken the job if she didn't feel it was right for her.

"Gimme a fat kiss. I missed you." I lean in and pepper her face with kisses.

She kinda lays on me with her arms around, as usual, and her face in my neck. I unexpectedly feel lips and slight teeth on my neck. My mouth opens for a second.

"Bey, you ain't tired?"

"Mmm-hmm." Is all I get from her.

She transfers the rest of her weight on me, latching her legs around my waist. Basically clinging to me. I bring my hands to her waist and ass.

"I can't love on you, or what?"

"Yeah, you can." I chuckle. "You know I always want yo ass close by."

I enjoy her weight and touch on me while I have it. I run my hands up and down her back until her breathing evens out. When I feel her relax a bit, indicating she's asleep, I reach over to turn the lamp off.

This moment reminds me of the woman I fell for in that damn cell 4 years ago. My Beyoncé.

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