The start of the journey

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Published: 01. July 2021

"You got your list?"

"Yes, Bernie."

"Your ticket?"


"And you know where to go? It's very important that you get to the tree before the full moon rises, otherwise-"

"Otherwise I will miss the time when the blossoms open", Hermione finished with a sigh. "I know Bernie. Don't worry."

"Okay, good."
The old Potions Master chewed on his lip, trying to remember if he had forgotten something.
"I think that's it-"

Hermione heaved her backpack into the train, then leaned out the door to give Bernie a last smile.
"Don't worry. I'll be back in two months."

"All aboard!", the conductor yelled, the loud hiss of the steaming train almost drowning out his voice.

"Yes, and-", the old wizard stepped closer to give Hermione a wink. "Try to relax a little, won't you? I can't have my best assistant having no social life at all."

Hermione raised an eyebrow.
"You're giving me tips about my social life?", she said amused.

"Yes", Bernie nodded. "And I'm eighty, so that means something."

Hermione chuckled and leaned forward to give him a hug.
"I'll get the blossoms and when I'm back, I was planning on taking a vacation with Harry, Ron and Ginny", she said with a smile.

The train whistled sharply.

"Gotta go."
Hermione stepped back and held on to the handle to keep her balance.
"See you in two months!", she said when the train started rolling.

She turned her head and watched the short, old wizard raise a hand, until the train rounded the corner and she lost sight of him.

Then Hermione turned around and slid the door shut. Grabbing the strap of her backpack, she slung it over her shoulder and walked down the aisle in search of an empty compartment.

The first was occupied by a group of elderly witches chattering loudly about their husbands, the second by a couple that had their things spread out over all of the seats.
Hermione rolled her eyes and continued on until she reached the last compartment. She pulled the door open.

It was empty.

Throwing her backpack onto one of the seats, she shut the door and slouched down into the seat by the window.

The French landscape zoomed past the train, covered in a red sheen from the setting sun. Hermione pulled out a leather-bound notebook with the title Project Lycanthropy from her backpack and opened it in the middle. She got out a pen from one of the many pockets of her overalls and started writing.

14th of July, 2008

Retrieving the Cyan-blossom:

I am in the Wizarding Train that will take me to Cherbourg, a town at the northern coast of France. After that, I will take a portkey to the Scottish Highlands.

Hermione chewed on the tip of the pen, until she continued:

Bernie and I are attempting to find a cure for Lycanthropy. One of the important ingredients is the blossom of the Cyantree, which only blossoms once a year on the full moon of July. The blossoms wither within a few minutes.

After another moment, she added:
I will continue brewing the potion in the Highlands since the blossom needs to be used immediately. I shall return to France in two months.

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