The Books

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The following week, Hermione headed to the hall with the piano to practice a little. However, she barely made it to the second floor, when a shadow stepped in her way.

"S", she greeted the Beast warmly. "Do you want to play a duo?"

The Beast cocked his head slightly, then shook it.
"No. I want to show you something."
He turned around, his tail brushing over the floor. Then he looked at her over his shoulder, shooting her an impatient look.

"Okay. What is it?", the witch asked and walked beside him down the corridor. She had gotten accustomed to the Beast's height, now feeling less uncomfortable when he towered over her.

"You'll see", he merely replied and led her on through the corridors.
Down and deeper they went. Hermione realized they were headed for the dungeons and her curiosity grew. She bit her lip to hold back her questions.

The Beast's mouth twitched when he glanced at her, as if he knew that she was literally bursting with questions.

They passed the corridor that lead to his chambers, when Hermione stopped short in surprise.

"S", she said perplexed and turned her head into all directions. "Has someone been cleaning?"

The cobwebs and dirt footprints were gone. The rocks on the ground had been cleared away and while the corridors were still covered in shadows, the torches (gleaming spotlessly) had warm flames flickering out of them.

"Yes. The- castle's inhabitants", the Beast replied and pressed his hand to a bare wall. It rumbled, then slid aside smoothly. The Beast turned to look at her and Hermione thought she saw his eyes flicker slightly. Was he nervous?

He stretched out his hand, turning his palm upward.
"Close your eyes."

Hermione shot him a perplexed look.
Just trust him, she thought. She bit her lip nervously, then closed her eyes and placed her own hand in his. She could feel the warmth of his own skin against hers.

His hand was much softer than she had imagined.

Slowly, the Beast led her through the opening in the wall. Hermione heard the wall slide shut behind her. Then it got very quiet.
The Beast carefully held her hand as he led her through the tunnel, making sure not to scratch her with his claws.

After a minute, Hermione could tell they were in a dimly lit room.
"Can I look?", she asked curiously.

"No", said the Beast and let go of her hand. "Stay."

His footsteps receded. There was a rustling sound and suddenly, a bright light reached Hermione's eyes through her eyelids, as if curtains had been pulled aside.

She heard the Beast come back. The claws on his feet clacked against the stone floor.

"Alright", he rumbled and Hermione could tell he was nervous. "You may look."

Hermione opened her eyes- and gasped in delight. She was in a large library, much larger than the other one. The blue and white checkered floor was bare of any dust. Large windows ran from the ground all the way up to the ceiling, granting a view of the black lake. Bookshelves covered every inch of the walls, filled with more books than she could ever read. Alongside the shelves were wooden floors, two meters wide and two meters in between each floor. There were steps leading up to the different floors alongside the shelves, so one could reach the books high above. And in the corner of the large room were several armchairs, a couch and a lit fireplace.

"You may read anything you like", said the Beast when Hermione remained silent. His face hardened slightly, as if he thought she was not pleased by this surprise. "The different sections-"

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