A change

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Published: 30. October, 2023

"Explain something to me please," said Hermione quietly and looked up into the Beast's face, her brown eyes searching for his gaze. "Why are you trying to push me away?"

The Beast opened his eyes. Before he could respond, Hermione said firmly, "Don't deny it. I'm not daft."

A small sigh escaped the Beast and his shoulders slumped slightly. "Hermione...," his voice faltered. "Once you remember...you'll think differently of me."

"I told you already that I won't judge you," Hermione stated.

The Beast shook his head. "When you were a student here, I was your professor." His astonishment about being able to reveal this to her made him hesitate momentarily. "I wasn't a kind man. I said many things to you that were cruel and-"
When Hermione's gaze hit him once more, he became speechless from the trust he found in her eyes.

"I really care about you, Severus," she said honestly. "Don't think that I'm being delusional by doing so. I've been having dreams the past weeks that show me fragments of my past here. I know that you weren't kind to me. But-"

She lifted a hand and pressed it against his hard chest. "A part of me also knows that you had some role to play in the past. I don't know what it was, only that you had to sacrifice so much for it."

Hermione looked at him intently. "I think it's time that you found some happiness of your own, don't you? And if it means setting you free from this prison, then that's what I'll do."

The Beast suddenly discovered a strange sensation in his chest, that made him feel all warm and light. His eyes started to burn slightly. He lifted a paw and brushed it against his eyes, startling when he found a tear drop hanging from his claw.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd cried.

"I'm sorry, Hermione," he said sincerely and lowered his paw. "Truly. For every pain I've caused you, from your time here as a student, to when you stumbled through the shield."

The witch smiled slightly and laid her head against his chest again. The Beast raised his arms and slowly began to hug her back, enveloping her with his cloak.


The Beast couldn't describe it, but after that moment with Hermione, he felt as if something inside him had changed. He felt- lighter. As if his heart had been encased in heavy rock this entire time, until Hermione had made it crack. He felt more than he had the past years spent in isolation in Hogwarts combined.
Guilt, sorrow, sympathy- and happiness for having a friend, a companion. And perhaps something more.

It was because of these feelings that he set off days later on a small quest. The cold January morning was still grey, the sun had yet to rise as he stepped out of the castle and slowly headed for Hagrid's hut. The Beast's stride was calm, but determined. He couldn't deny that a small part inside him was anxious about what he was planning to do, but he pushed it aside.
Enough feeling sorry for himself.

When he arrived at the door, he bent down slightly and gave it a sharp knock. Instantly the blasted footstool started barking like mad, waking Hagrid from his slumber.

"All right, I'm comin'," the Beast heard the Keeper mumble. The door creaked open and Hagrid stiffened in surprise.

The Beast inclined his head. "Hagrid."

"Professor Snape," said Hagrid formally. "What can I do for ye?" He pushed Fang back, who tried to jump put the door.

The Beast shifted and internally steeled himself. "I came to apologize," he said quietly. "For trapping you here all these years. It was never my intention and I know I won't be able to repay you for the sacrifice I've forced you to make. But I want you to know that I am deeply sorry."

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