The start of something...different

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Published: 09. August, 2021

Hermione's sprained ankle felt better after Plumette had put a healing salve on it, even though she would continue to limp for a few days.

Everyone seemed to be anxious. Objects were hurrying up and down the corridors, muttering under their breath.

Hermione had been left in her room so she could recover, but after twenty minutes of staring at the ceiling, she swung her legs over her bed and stood up.

"No, no, young lady!", said the wardrobe promptly, "back to bed with you!"

Hermione shook her head and swayed slightly as she limped to the door.
"I just want to ask if the Beast is all right."

"He surely is", said Madam Garderobe, although she sounded doubtful. "Why don't you wait until morning?"

"Because it's my fault he's hurt and I need to see if he is alright", said Hermione stubbornly and opened the door.
She shut it behind her, blocking Madam Garderobe's protests, and set off to the dungeons.

On her way down the marble staircase, she bumped into Mrs. Potts and Plumette, both scolding her instantly for leaving her bed.

"Please, how is he?", asked Hermione worriedly.

Mrs. Potts and the feather duster exchanged a look.
"Not good", said the teapot finally. "He refuses to let Plumette heal his wounds and without the salves and potions, who knows what state he'll be in by morning."

The feather duster looked extremely angry.
"Blasted pighead", she ranted, "I can't even get near him without him threatening to smash me."

Hermione's eyes widened.
"Can I help?", she asked tentatively.

The two objects looked up at her, stunned.
"Help?", repeated Plumette, "Miss Granger, I don't see how-"

"I have some experience with healing spells and salves", Hermione said hurriedly. "And- I mean no disrespect- but I am not a small object, he won't be able to smash me."

That seemed to get the two of them thinking.
"He is still very furious with you", said Mrs. Potts, "it is perhaps not the best idea."

"I'll try not to anger him further", said Hermione, although she could feel in her stomach that wouldn't be easy.

"Are you sure?", asked Plumette carefully.

Hermione nodded firmly.
"I've been told by my friends that I can be very stubborn", she said determinedly. "Where can I find your salves, Plumette?"

The feather duster exchanged one more look with Mrs. Potts, before she explained to Hermione where they were. She had left them by the door where the Beast lived, in case he called her and she needed to get down there quickly.
Plumette wished Hermione good luck and then Mrs. Potts lead the young witch into the dungeons.

Hermione limped after the teapot, debating mentally whether she was going to die or not. But even though she did not like the Beast at all, he had saved her. And she knew better than to let him scare her away. If she could get Harry and Ron to do their homework, she could do this too.

Mrs. Potts lead her through the dark corridor until they reached the old, scratched-up door. It was closed, but the magical seal was still broken.
By the door was a small pile of phials and tins, which Hermione carefully scooped up into her arms.

"Good luck, Miss Granger", said Mrs. Potts quietly and hurried away.

Hermione turned her head to the door and sighed. Without her wand to light her way, she would have to just hope there was a light switch of a sort in there.

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