
526 33 28

Published: June 15th, 2022

Their dance continued well into the night. The candles in the hall remained dark, but the silver moonlight illuminated the room. The violins remained silent, but neither Hermione nor the Beast needed the music. They just danced on, completely content with the silence.

The other inhabitants of the castle soon retired to their rooms and when the Beast offered to escort Hermione back to her room, it was three in the morning.

Their footsteps echoed in the empty hallway and their shadows danced on the floor. Hermione had her hand clasped around the Beast's arm and shivered slightly in the chilly hair. The hall had been toasty from the previously lit candles and the fireplace, but out in the hallways the winter air was definitely noticeable.

"Are you cold?" the Beast's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"A little," Hermione admitted. "It's fine, though."

The Beast extended his arm, silently offering Hermione to move closer to his side. She did so with a grateful smile and instantly felt his warmth enveloping her when his arm lowered around her shoulders.

"What are you thinking about?" he grumbled.

Hermione sighed. "About...earlier," she said quietly, "What you told me."

"Do you wish I hadn't?"

Hermione heard the stiffness in his voice that always returned when he was uncomfortable. She shook her head. "No, I'm glad you trusted me with this. Everything makes more sense, now that I know. I mean...finding a castle with moving chandeliers and teapots was just- strange."
She laughed awkwardly.

"Yes," said the Beast, sounding relieved, "I guess it was."

They began ascending the marble staircase.

"Would you be interested in going for a ride tomorrow?" asked the Beast to break the silence.

"Sure," smiled Hermione, "I'm sure Camelot would be excited."

"You won't be riding him."

Hermione shot the Beast a quizzical look.
"And who will I be riding then?"

"You'll see."

The witch poked the Beast into the side. "You know that I still have to agree to whatever you're planning. I'm not getting on a three-headed dog."

"Not to worry," the Beast said with twitching lips, "You'll like it."

Hermione had to smile. When they had reached the top of the staircase, a question blurted out of her mouth.
"Can I ask- how did you look like- before?"

The Beast abruptly stopped and let go of her shoulders, and she shivered from the cold air that suddenly hit her.
"It's because I look like this, isn't it?" he said bitterly, his face cloaked in shadows. "You're hoping under this hideous face, there will be a handsome man waiting for you."

"What- no!" said Hermione startled. "That's not it at all!"

"Then why would you ask that?" snapped the Beast and turned away.

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