The last petal

216 20 8

Published: 30. October 2023

"Severus!" Hermione exclaimed. "Look!" Gingerly, she brushed the snow aside, revealing delicate green stems that carried round, white bells.

The Beast glanced over. "Snowdrops?"

"It means Spring is coming!" Hermione carefully pushed the snow back in its original place, then wiped her hands dry on her cloak.

"Is Spring your favorite season?"

"Yes," smiled Hermione and stood up. Her knees left an imprint in the snow. She lifted her basket, filled with various herbs she'd collected the past hours, and walked over to the Beast. His basket was considerably larger than hers, filled with carefully tied bundles of plants.
"Poppy will be really happy when we bring all of this back," said the witch and offered the Beast her hand.

He took it and let her pull him up (although he actually did most of the standing-up himself, considering Hermione was much smaller than him).
"We had a good winter," said the Beast and looked up at the canopy. The bare branches whistled sorrowfully in the wind. "Not too cold, but just cold enough to let nature rest."

He grabbed his basket, then held out his free paw. Hermione slipped her hand into it, grasping it slightly. Her chest warmed from his proximity and she couldn't stop herself from blushing.

The blue shield shimmered to their left, cutting through the forest like a massive glass wall that swallowed anything in its way.

The Beast regarded her with a careful look. "Are you cold?"

"No. Why?"

"Your cheeks are all red."

"Oh that's-," Hermione blushed a deeper red. "Just the wind."

Something lit up in the Beast's black eyes. The corners of his mouth tipped up. "The wind?" he said silkily and leaned toward Hermione.

She stubbornly returned his piercing gaze. "Yes."

"Indeed." Now the Beast's face was right above her. He smirked when Hermione reddened further. "There's no wind now."

Hermione stared back and a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes. "I think there is. Perhaps you should come closer to block it."

Whatever she had begun to feel for the Beast the past months, it had now increased tenfold. The butterflies in her stomach wouldn't stop swirling in his presence and more than once, Hermione had wished for him to kiss her.

Her heart stopped for a second when the Beast slowly pulled her against him, encasing her with his warmth. With one finger, keeping his claw retracted, he gently traced her jawline, tipping her head up slightly.

Hermione's eyes misted and her breathing became labored. The Beast's face neared hers, until her vision became blurry and she had to close her eyes. A second later, she felt his forehead lean against hers, his soft fur brushing over her skin.

Her breath hitched. She unconsciously tightened her grip on the Beast's paw.

"Hermione," he breathed, his warm breath misting with hers in the cold air. The witch slightly tilted her head up, brushing her nose against his.

A soft purring noise escaped the Beast's throat.
His heartbeat was thumping in his ears. With his eyes closed, he leaned forward, their lips almost-


A red light sizzled past them. Within a second, the Beast's instincts kicked in. He grabbed Hermione and threw her into the soft snow pile behind the stem of a wide oak tree. Several burn hexes hit his back and he snarled loudly, whirling around to face the attackers.

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