The weird room filled with disgusting jars

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Published: 06. August 2021

The next morning, Hermione woke up early. She was glad she had gotten some clothes out of the wardrobe the previous evening because Madam Garderobe was still asleep. Her soft snores carried through the room as Hermione tiptoed past her with her backpack. Once in the hallway, she hurried towards the entrance hall.

Whatever salve had been put on her wound, it had worked very well and quickly. Not even a scar was left of the scratch she had gotten.

Luckily, she had a good memory, so she found the double doors pretty easily. Most of the portraits were asleep, although some stared at her as she passed them. One portrait in particular was very weird. The knight in it followed her around several corners while galloping on a pony through other portraits, until Hermione outran him on the marble staircase and he fell behind.

Hermione's plan was to run some test on this 'shield'. First she was going to analyze the type of magic that kept it in place. Whether it was goblin magic or fairy magic would make a big difference to her approach of breaking it. She didn't expect it to be made of House-elven magic, even though it could be possible.

Then she had to figure out what components kept the shield so unbreakable. If she was able to do that, she could figure out the enchantment that had been used and thus reverse it.

"Going somewhere?", a voice said when Hermione was about to step outside.

The witch whirled around in alarm, her wand stretched out.
Then she lowered it once she recognized the teapot.
"Just outside", she replied.

Mrs. Potts hopped towards her.
"You are not thinking about going into the Forbidden Forest, are you?", she said sternly.

Hermione shook her head and pointed at the shield.
"I was just going to run a few tests on that", she explained.

Mrs. Potts sighed.
"Very well. I'll send Cogsworth later to check on you."

Hermione smiled a little confused (who was Cogsworth?) and stepped outside.

The teapot watched the young woman descend the hill as she marched towards the blue shield with her backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Still a fighter, through an through", she muttered and turned around. Now that she was up, she might as well make some tea.


Hermione worked all morning until lunch. All of her observations were written down in her notebook; how the shield responded to aggressive spells, to the more harmless ones and how it reacted to runes.
While she worked, a clock waddled out to her to see if she needed help. Hermione declined politely and had difficulties getting the clock to let her work in peace.
Cogsworth seemed to be a big fan of bragging about himself.

When she decided to take a break, the sun was already high in the sky.

A warm breeze washed over her, filled with the smell of summer.
She sighed as she returned to the castle. If she hadn't been trapped, this would have been a wonderful place for a holiday.

"Hello, Miss Granger", said the cookie jar delightedly when she seated herself in the hall next to him.

"Mr. Biscuit", Hermione greeted him, her lips twitching slightly.
She still couldn't get used to their names...

"Would you like a tour of the outside of the castle after lunch?", said Cogsworth eagerly after they had been eating for ten minutes.

Lumière straightened excitedly.
"I can show you the stables, mademoiselle", he said. "And the Greenhouses!"

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