The Pianoforte

418 28 3

Published: 29. August, 2021

Hermione didn't know when exactly the atmosphere started to change. Was it perhaps after the Beast had saved her life and after she had healed him? Possibly.
All she noticed was that the objects started to open up to her more, as if she had earn their respect.

She found out that there was a werewolf in the Forbidden Forest, but no one told her exactly where he lived. Just that he was a man stuck in the shield, living in a cave further north. Hermione instantly felt sympathy for the poor man, but when she suggested to go visit him, she was told she wouldn't find him. No one could, apparently, not even the Beast.

Hermione found this very odd.

Her ankle had healed well and Hermione could walk around normally without limping. She continued to work on the shield, but also started doing other things, such as chatting more often with Mrs. Potts and Lumière, weeding the greenhouses, exploring the dungeons or discovering more talking objects, such as a pianoforte named Forte.

But what really baffled her was when she saw the Beast during her walk outside. During the day.

She had been leaning against the fence of the paddock, watching the winged Pegasi graze. The unicorn had disappeared at her appearance, but perhaps it would turn up later.

Hermione had turned her head when a movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention, and froze.

The Beast had appeared by the stables and when he saw her, he stiffened as well. In the daylight, he seemed even larger than in the shadows of the dungeons. Standing on his hind legs, the Beast could have easily jumped over the fence of the paddock. His sleek fur moved slightly in the breeze and his black eyes fixed hers. His bandages had come off, so she guessed his wounds had healed well too.
It had been a few weeks since the full moon and they hadn't spoken since.

"Hello", said Hermione finally, her voice scratchier than she had intended it to be.

The Beast gave no reply. His black eyes narrowed and he slightly pulled his upper lip back, revealing sharp fangs. After a few seconds of silently staring at her, he turned his horned head and lowered himself on all fours. Then he moved toward the forbidden forest with long strides.

Maybe we'll have a normal ten years or so, Hermione thought doubtfully and looked at the Pegasi again with a sigh.

And what was that rose she had found in the dungeons? It was obviously a summer rose, she knew that. But she would need to research more in order to figure out what it was doing in the castle.
Perhaps there was a library here.  Lumière hadn't mentioned anything of a library, but maybe he had forgotten. He didn't seem to be the reading type.

Or- she could ask the Beast...

Hermione turned her head, but the meadow was empty.
He had disappeared into the shadows of the forest.

The past few weeks, the Beast had avoided Granger as much as possible. Which was usually pretty simple, considering he hid in his dungeons all day. But that twit had the nerve to explore his dungeons, sticking her nose into the old books that were left in what used to be his Potions classroom. When he had started to watch her do so, he had only done that to make sure she wouldn't break anything. He had vehemently ignored the fact that she seemed to understand his advanced potions books with ease.

The other reason why he watched her from the shadows was that he could not understand why Granger had gone through such lengths to help him. Perhaps she had felt guilty because it had been her fault that Lupin attacked him. But she had seemed truly concerned when her eyes had fallen onto the blood covering his fur.

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