The Cloak

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Published: 31. August, 2021

Hermione started to add playing the grand piano to her daily schedule. After lunch, she would go to the small 'music hall', as she called it, and play for an hour. The music helped her distract her from the fact that she had still found no way to get home. But she couldn't give up.

The strange thing was, she would shut the door to the music hall, but while playing, she would get the feeling that she was being watched. And sure enough, when she would look up, the door would be slightly open. But no one was ever there.

Hermione knew it couldn't be Mrs. Potts, or anyone else she had made friends with the past month. They would not hide from her if they wanted to listen. Perhaps it was one of the other objects that she hadn't really gotten to know yet? Maybe Miss See-Through, the weird glass ball.

Determined to find out who was spying on her, Hermione made up a plan. She was a witch, after all, and what kind of witch would she be if she didn't solve this problem with magic?

A few days after, Hermione left lunch to head for the music hall. But instead of entering it, she remained outside in the shadows of a corner.
Then she flicked her wand and muttered: "Musicames".

A soft melody broke the silence as the grand piano started playing on its own and Hermione nodded to herself, satisfied. Then she waited.

She wasn't made for standing still in a corner. After ten minutes, her legs fell asleep and she shifted restlessly, trying to get the feeling in her toes back.
Perhaps there was no one watching her. Maybe the door just opened on its own.
This was an old castle, after all.

After thirty minutes, Hermione was about to abandon her plan and return to the beautiful piano waiting for her. Yet one second before she moved, a shadow moving in the corner of her eye caught her attention.

Hermione's eyes widened and she pressed herself further against the wall.
Not one moment later, the tall and broad figure of the Beast filled her view. He silently moved on all fours towards the closed door. Then he straightened up on his hind legs and placed a hand on the doorknob.

Hermione was baffled.
The Beast likes listening to my piano music? The past few weeks, HE was the one watching me?

Somehow, that sent a nervous shiver down her spine.

The Beast suddenly stiffened. Hermione heard him breath in deeply and her heart started hammering in her chest.

Go away, she prayed, but she knew it was of no use.

In one swift movement, the Beast turned around and his black eyes found hers. He looked down at her with a cold expression and snarled slightly.

Hermione could only stare back. The bricks poked into her back, reminding her that there was no way for her to escape.

Something flashed in the Beast's eyes. Was it anger? Hermione could not tell, but she knew he was not happy she had caught him.

"I can hear your heartbeat", the Beast growled suddenly in a deep voice and leaned forward.

Hermione's fingers gripped her wand tightly and she forced herself not to shiver from nervousness.

"You are afraid."

Now he loomed over her, blocking out the light so Hermione felt like she was trapped in the shadows.

He didn't hurt me when I was bandaging his wounds...he's only trying to intimidate me. Nothing more.

That thought made Hermione look up and peer closer into the inky eyes. To her surprise, she found embarrassment in them.
He's embarrassed I caught him, Hermione realized perplexed.

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