When we're human again

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When Hermione woke up the next day, snow had fallen. The entire castle was covered in a white blanket and Hermione practically leapt out of her bed to get dressed. No matter what age, she had always loved the snow.

"Where's the fire?", said Madam Garderobe sleepily.

"I'm just going out for a walk", said Hermione quickly, pulling S' cloak around her. "See you later."

"Enjoy...", slurred the wardrobe and fell back asleep.

Hermione shook her head amused, then hurried out the door.


"Now!", said the cookie jar bossily, looking down at the over two hundred objects that had gathered before him. He was standing on the dining table and his beard quivered excitedly as he began: "We have less than a year to make Miss Granger and Severus fall in love. As you know, Hogwarts is not in the state it once was-"

A mop huffed in agreement.
"The castle never looked this bad under my watch", he grumbled.

"Yes, Argus, which is why I will need your help in this", Dumbledore continued. "The House-elves-"

All plates and cups straightened up like soldiers.

"-will take care of the kitchen and the dorms."

"Yes, sir!", squeaked Dobby. "At your command!"
He hopped out of the Great Hall and the many plates and cups followed him excitedly.

"All feather dusters, you will listen to Poppy and work on the cobwebs on the ceiling of the rooms", said Dumbledore.

Poppy nodded vigorously.
"You can count on me, Albus."

And so Dumbledore continued dividing the tasks among the crowd. Once he had finished, he saw everyone was staring at him hopefully.

"You really think this will work?", asked Sirius, lighting his candles. Despite finding the idea to play matchmaker for Severus and Hermione completely gruesome, he did want this curse to break. And to return home to his godson.

Dumbledore smiled widely.
"I am one hundred percent sure. Everyone, clean and sweep with all your heart today! Because soon-"
He drew a deep breath.
"-we will be human again!"


The Beast had watched Granger from the double doors of the castle. Trekking through the knee-deep snow, she had made her way to the paddock and was now getting acquainted with the pegasi. Granger fed them apples that she pulled out of her- out of his- cloak and laughing happily when the equine creatures bumped their noses against her for more.

Perhaps she would like to learn to ride, he thought to himself. Then he shook his head.
Why would she want to ride? Especially on a horse that could fly? He distinctly remembered that Granger had always hated brooms.

But something inside the Beast wanted to have a reason to talk to Granger. He could not understand when the small discussions between them had started to become fun or why he enjoyed listening to her play the piano, but- to his surprise, he did not mind. After being alone for almost a decade, he- even though he did not realize it- had longed for a friend. And it seemed that Granger did not have any worries about seeking his company either.

Before he could change his mind, the Beast straightened up on his hind legs and began making his way through the snow to the paddock. The fur on his feet kept them warm and technically, he would not have needed to wear trousers at all. His black fur was quite thick enough. But the Beast did not find it appropriate to walk stark naked through the castle, especially since a former student was present.

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